Representational Drawing, Art 31C

Fall 2002

T, Th 10:55am-2:05pm, Rm. ART LAB 9


INSTRUCTOR: Heidi Brueckner


OFFICE HOURS: T, Th 2:05-3:15 PM, F 7:00-7:40 AM. Office is AL2. If you plan to come see me on a Tuesday, it is best to make an appointment ahead of time. Sometimes I will need to have my Tuesday office hours on Thursdays for an extended hour.


PHONE/VOICEMAIL/EMAIL: Please dial (408) 741-2472 --OR--
[email protected]


COURSE OBJECTIVES: In this course, students will have the opportunity to expand their understanding of rendering a physical likeness of three-dimensional form in black and white media. This course will focus on drawing in an exacting and accurate manner in addition to working expressively. Concepts such as proportioning and scale, linear and atmospheric perspective, multiple vanishing points, planar relationships, value/contrast, modeling with light and shade, and surface texture will be emphasized. Contour, gesture, and composition will also be covered. We will study perspective drawing mostly as used in sketching and freehand drawing, though some mechanical drawing as used in architectural drafting will be discussed.


ATTENDANCE: Attendance is mandatory and roll will be taken during each class. Please note you are allowed two absences this semester which will not affect your grade. Your final grade may drop a half a grade for each subsequent absence. More than five absences may result in dropping you from the course.


Occasionally, an excused absence will be granted, but only under extreme and documented circumstances. If possible let me know ahead of time if you will be absent.


Arriving late and leaving early is unacceptable and will affect your grade. You will miss critical information and disturb other students who are drawing or listening to lecture. Please note for every tardy or early departure you incur, 1% can be taken off of your final grade.


I accept make-up assignments but they do not generally "erase" your absences. If you miss class, it is your responsibility to call or visit me during office hours to get informed about what you missed. I do not repeat lectures.


CLASS WITHDRAWAL: It is the student's responsibility to withdraw from the class by submitting a drop card to the Admissions Office.The last day to drop without a "W" notation is September 21. The last day to drop with a "W" is November 23.


CLASSROOM RESPONSIBILITIES: You must be set up and prepared to draw by 10:55 AM. Please no cell phones!!! Please no walkmen!!! We will have a 20 minute break in the middle of class. Please treat everyone with respect at all times. Please note disruptive or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. A student may be asked to drop the course for this reason.


It is your responsibility to alert me if you do not understand something in the daily course content. Please be aware the goal you should set for yourself in this course is to do the absolute best work you can. Not everyone will finish this class doing A work, but the goal is to improve your skill level in drawing by the end of the course. If you ever have a concern about anything please let me know.


CLASS WORK: Keep, sign and date ALL of your drawings. They should be stored in a flat portfolio. You will be asked to submit most of your drawings twice during the semester. Assignments will consist of in-class AND outside drawings.


PORTFOLIO: The first portfolio is due at midterm. The second is due before finals week. You will be notified one week prior to each due date. Late portfolios or rolled drawings will not be accepted. An individual critique and evaluation will be given at midterm.


OUTSIDE WORK: Expect an average of 2-3 hours of outside work per week. Outside assignments will be graded down for each day late. If you are absent on a day homework is assigned, be sure to contact me or someone in the class so that you may turn it in on time. Absence is not an excuse for turning homework in late.


MIDTERM/FINAL: A midterm drawing will be assigned and will be executed outside of class. It will be due sometime in the middle of the semester. A final drawing assignment will be completed during class and outside of class. The final exam meeting is Tuesday, December 17, 9:40-11:40am. It will consist of a final critique of the final assignment.


GRADING: Grade options are: A, B, C, D, F, W, I, CR/NC. In-class drawings and outside work will make up the main portion of your grade. Much of your grade will be based on the quality and improvement of your work, the completeness of your work, the meeting of deadlines, work ethic, and following directions (90%). Attitude, willingness to act on constructive criticism, and participation during critiques will affect your grade as well (10%). Please note as explained above, attendance and punctuality will affect your overall grade.


STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Any student who has a disability that may affect class performance should contact me privately as soon as possible.




University Art Warehouse, San Jose

456 Meridian Ave



University Art Warehouse, Palo Alto



Aaron Brothers

944 Blossom Hill Rd.: 578-2430

725 Sunnyvale-Saratoga Rd.: 738-0332



Westgate Shopping

on Saratoga Ave.



Amsterdam Art

1013 University Avenue, Berkeley



Amsterdam Art

5424 Geary Bl., San Francisco



Utrecht Art Supply

1909 University Avenue, Berkeley



The Art Store

811 University Avenue





*drawing board with clips, at least 19"x 25"

*18" x 24" newsprint pad, smooth texture preferred, rough ok

*18" x 24" drawing pad, smooth texture preferred, rough ok

*chamois skin

*smudger stick/stomp

*erasers: kneaded and plastic or retractable style

*compressed charcoal sticks, two, soft (Don't get the fat rectangular kind.)

* ONE felt tip pen (0.7width) (Pilot precise rolling ball is good)

*4B, 6B charcoal pencils

*HB, 2B, 6B graphite pencils

*vine charcoal sticks, several (thin, soft)

*conte crayons, two black (soft, 2B at least, preferably 4B)

*pencil sharpener


*spray fixative/hairsprayv

*box or bin for holding materials



portfolio cover, or two pieces of sturdy cardboard (19" x 25" at least) taped together



-small sketch book for ideas and practice of concepts covered in class

-Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling

-Perspective Drawing by Ernest R. Norling

-Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards



*These materials must be brought to every class meeting starting Thursday, September 5th. Your grade is affected by coming to class without the proper drawing materials. Note: Additional materials may be required as needed.