Tip Sheets
here for Actionscript 2x reference cod
Click here for Actionscript 3x CODE SNIPPETS
– Jason Challas Art 55 ©2008 WVC
All script
is FRAME action script.
Create a new layer called ACTIONS. INSERT a NEW KEYFRAME at the
frame where you want the actions to occur.
We define functions. You need to define each function
ONLY ONCE per movie.
Then, call it from each frame by placing an “event listener”
in that frame’s actionscript.
If you’re used to the functionality of ActionScript 2, you may need
to IMPORT Actionscript “Classes.”
In order to make the movies smaller, ActionScript 3 doesn’t automatically
“include” all of the functions.
To pause your movie at that (or the end) frame:
To make navigation
Each button MUST BE A NAMED INSTANCE on the stage.
First, create a button. Select the graphic/text and go to the MODIFY menu
Give it a name “my button” just so you can find it later in
the Symbols Library.
Select it on the stage and go to the properties palette and give it an
INSTANCE NAME (ie. “back” or “next")
For a simple
ENTER (start the movie) button:
function startMovie(event:MouseEvent):void
playbutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startMovie);
For inner-movie navigation:
Next Scene Method:
An enter button (named “enterbtn” in the properties palette)
function enter(event:MouseEvent):void
enterbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, enter);
For the button named “fineartbtn”
Note order of frame# BEFORE the scene name: gotoAndPlay(frame# or scene label, “scenename”)
function gofineart(event:MouseEvent):void
fineartbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gofineart);
nextFrame/prevFrame and then to the nextScene/prevScene:
for the buttons named “back” and “nextbtn”
function backframe(event:MouseEvent):void
back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backframe);
function nextframe(event:MouseEvent):void
nextbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextframe);
In the last frame of the scene:
back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backframe);
function nextscene(event:MouseEvent):void
nextbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextscene);
In each frame: You don’t need to duplicate the function definition, just the event listener:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backframe);
next.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextframe);
homebutton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoAuthorPage);
Add this code
to make a button to go to your website:
function gotoAuthorPage(event:MouseEvent):void
var targetURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://jasonchallas.com");
homebutton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoAuthorPage);
More Actionscript 3 reference:
(the following is written assuming you already know how to make a button,
inclulde a class, add an event listener, etc.)
stop() method
public function stop():void
Stops the playhead in the movie clip.
play() method
public function play():void
Moves the playhead in the timeline of the movie clip.
gotoAndPlay () method
public function gotoAndPlay(frame:Object, scene:String = null):void
Starts playing the SWF file at the specified frame. This happens after
all remaining actions in the frame have finished executing. To specify
a scene as well as a frame, specify a value for the scene parameter.
The following code uses the gotoAndPlay() method to direct the playhead
of the mc1 movie clip to advance five frames ahead of its current location:
+ 5);
The following code uses the gotoAndPlay() method to direct the playhead
of the mc1 movie clip to the frame labeled "intro" in the scene
named "Scene 12":
mc1.gotoAndPlay("intro", "Scene 12");
gotoAndStop() method
public function gotoAndStop(frame:Object, scene:String = null):void
Brings the playhead to the specified frame of the movie clip and stops
it there. This happens after all remaining actions in the frame have finished
executing. If you want to specify a scene in addition to a frame, specify
a scene parameter.
The following code uses the gotoAndStop() method and the currentFrame
property to direct the playhead of the mc1 movie clip to advance five
frames ahead of its current location and stop:
mc1.gotoAndStop(mc1.currentFrame + 5);
The following code
uses the gotoAndStop() to direct the playhead of the mc1 movie clip to
the frame labeled "finale" in the scene named "Scene 12"
and stop the playhead:
mc1.gotoAndStop("finale", "Scene 12");
ActionScript 3.0 movie clips:
nextFrame() method
Example Next
Frame/Prev Frame
In the following example, two SimpleButton objects control the timeline.
The prev button moves the playhead to the previous frame, and the nextBtn
button moves the playhead to the next frame:
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
prevBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goBack);
nextBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goForward);
function goBack(event:MouseEvent):void {
function goForward(event:MouseEvent):void {
}nextScene() method
Example: Next
Scene/Prev Scene
In the following example, two simple button objects control the timeline.
The prevBtn button moves the playhead to the previous scene, and the nextBtn
button moves the playhead to the next scene:
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
prevBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goBack);
nextBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goForward);
function goBack(event:MouseEvent):void {
function goForward(event:MouseEvent):void {
In the following example, two SimpleButton objects control the timeline.
The prevBtn button moves the playhead to the previous scene, and the nextBtn
button moves the playhead to the next scene:
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
prevBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goBack);
nextBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goForward);
function goBack(event:MouseEvent):void {
function goForward(event:MouseEvent):void {
Loading a
The getURL command no longer exists in ActionScript 3.0. To call
a URL, you will create a URLRequest instance and then call the navigateToUrl
method. The try statement below illustrates the type of error handling
capable with ActionScript 3.0 exception handling; it shows how to call
a URL:
import flash.net.*;
var url = "";
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
try {
catch (e:Error) {
// Handle error...
} |