P.E. 4.03 - Fitness: Aerobics |
West Valley College
Instructor: Davis
Office: PE 1W
Phone: 408.741.2522
Course Description:
Aerobics is a cardiovascular conditioning activity that uses
high and low impact movements to music. All fitness levels are able to
participate. No prerequisites are required.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of course requirements students will:
- Demonstrate improved performance relating to
cardiovascular fitness.
- Demonstrate safe and correct technique.
- Demonstrate knowledge of fitness principles and dedication for life long fitness.
- Understand the physiological and psychological benefits
of regular exercise.
Course Content:
A. Motor Component:
- Rhythmic warm-up techniques.
- Cardiovascular workout using high and low impact movements.
- Proper and safe cool down.
- Muscular strength and endurance activities.
- Flexibility and relaxation techniques.
B. Cognitive Component:
- Nutrition for fitness and sport.
- Five components of fitness.
- Principles for cardiovascular fitness.
- Principles for muscular strength and endurance.
- Strategies for exercise adherence.
Course Requirements:
- Active class participation is essential to fulfill the course objectives.
- Arrive to class early so you can perform the warm-up portion of the class.
- Athletic shoes and clothes are needed for a safe and effective workout.
- Bring a water bottle to class for proper hydration.
- Do not wear perfume or cologne in class.
- Pre and post fitness assessments will be completed during the third and last week of the semester. There will not be a workout during finals week.