P.E. 4.05 - Fitness Aqua Aerobics |
West Valley College
Instructor: Davis
Office: PE 1W
Phone: 408.741.2522
Course Description:
Water fitness classes are designed to increase cardiovascular endurance and improve muscular strength and endurance without impacting skeletal joints. All fitness levels are
able to participate.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of course requirements students will:
- Demonstrate improved performance in the five components of fitness.
- Demonstrate safe and correct technique.
- Demonstrate knowledge of fitness principles.
- Understand the physiological and psychological benefits
of regular exercise.
Course Content:
A. Motor Component:
- Rhythmic warm-up techniques.
- Cardiovascular workout in the pool using water equipment.
- Muscular strength and endurance activities.
- Flexibility and relaxation techniques.
B. Cognitive Component:
- Terminology.
- Five components of fitness.
- Principles for cardiovascular fitness.
- Principles for muscular strength and endurance.
Course Requirements:
- Active class participation is essential to fulfill the
course objectives. You must sign in to earn participation points. Mark your
card only. Do not sign in your classmate who does not attend class. You must
actively participate in the workout to earn the points.
- Arrive to class early so you can perform the warm-up portion of the class.
- Bring a water bottle to class for proper hydration.
- Do not wear perfume or cologne in class.
- No text book required.