West Valley College
Physical Education Department
Instructor: H. Davis, Ed.D
Office: PE 1W
Phone: 408.741.2522
This course provides students with the opportunity to adopt a healthy, active lifestyle. The goals of the course are to educate students on the health risks associated with obesity, increase overall activity, produce long-term weight loss, promote behavior modification, and improve health and well being. Class is designed for all fitness levels and all body types. This class can be especially useful for those that are overweight or those desiring to manage and maintain a healthy lifestyle. No pre-requisite required. Credit/No Credit Option.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of course requirements students will:
Course Content:
Course Requirements:
Method of Evaluation for Online Portion of the Class:
Self Contract |
100 Points
Quizzes, 8 @ 100 points each |
800 Points
Essays, 4 @ 100 points each |
400 Points
Total |
1300 Points
Method of Evaluation for Lab Portion of the Class:
Exercise Log, 15 @ 15 points each |
225 Points
Pre- and Post- Fitness Assessment |
50 Points
Weight Change Chart |
30 Points
Goal Setting Worksheets, 15 @ 5 points each |
75 Points
Reflective Journal, 15 @ 2 points each |
30 Points
Food Diary, 15 @ 10 points each |
150 points
Week 1 Orientation, 3 hours |
90 points
Estimated Calorie Needs Worksheet |
50 points
Total |
700 Points
Total points for course and lab combined = 2000 points
Grading Scale:
A = 1800 - 2000 points
B = 1600 - 1799 points
C = 1400 - 1599 points
D = 1200 - 1399 points
F = 0 - 1199 points
Safety and Evacuation Procedures:
In the event of an emergency evacuation, the assembly area for this lab classroom is the sand volleyball area. Take all of your belongings with you and we will evacuate as a group. Do not leave campus or the assembly area until instructed to do so by your instructor, college official, or emergency personnel (police, etc.).
The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation please contact DESP.
It is advised that everyone, especially pregnant women, consult their physician before beginning a workout/activity program, as not all exercise/activity plans are suitable for everyone. Please discontinue any exercise/activity that causes you pain or severe discomfort and consult a medical expert immediately. The instruction and advice presented in this class are in no way intended to be a substitute for medical advice.