- Art History:
Survey of Western Art 1B
- Online
Syllabus - Spring 2005
- History of Western
- from the
Renaissance through Impressionism
- Kathleen Grisham,
This course follows a set
calendar; it is NOT self-paced. If you are looking for a
self-paced course, this isn't it.

Course Syllabus
Course Description: Survey of Western Art 1B
- Online
Survey of Western Art 1B - Online is an
academic Art History course designed to provide you with the
opportunity to learn the general styles, concepts, purposes, and
interpretations of Western Art from the Renaissance through
Impressionism. Artistic styles will be explored in relationship
to man's social history, thoughts, needs and beliefs. The focus
will be on painting, and to a lesser degree, on architecture and
This course meets
online only. There are no sessions on campus. This distance
learning course is conducted completely via the Internet, and
e-mail . You will be responsible for assignments and quizzes
which will be posted weekly.
This course
follows a set calendar.
This course is
NOT self-paced. If you miss a quiz for any reason, you may not
make it up.

Required Text -
You must have the text to successfully participate in this
- Art History ,
Revised Second Edition -Volume II by Marilyn Stokstad.
The text is available in the West Valley College
bookstore. Please note and use the glossary and time
- ISBN #
013-145-527-3(v. 2:PB)
- You must read and
use the required text in order to successfully complete
this course. Purchase it before the first day of the

Course Objectives:
- become familiar with the historical
development of Western Art
- learn to analyze the relationships among
content, context, and style in Western Art

Major Topics
Note: This course uses
only the following chapters in the book Art
History: 17, 18, 19, 26, 27
Use Notes, Starter Kit and Introduction
Chapter 17: Early Renaissance Art in
Europe - 15th Century
- Early Renaissance Art in Europe
- Art of Flanders, Flemish Renaissance
- Art of Italy, Italian Renaissance in Florence
Chapter 18: Renaissance Art in
Sixteenth Century Europe
- Italian High Renaissance
- Venetian Renaissance
- German Renaissance
- Italian Mannerism
- Renaissance in France and Spain
- Netherlandish Art
Chapter 19: Baroque Art in Western
- Baroque Art in Italy, Italian Baroque
- Baroque Art in France, French Baroque
- Baroque Art in Spain, Spanish Baroque
- Baroque Art in Flanders, Flemish Baroque
- Baroque Art in No. Netherlands, Dutch Baroque
Chapter 26: Eighteenth Century
Art in Europe
- The Rococo Style in Europe
- Neo-Classicism in France
Chapter 27: 19th Century Art in Europe
- Neoclassicism and Romanticism in France
- Romanticism in Spain, Romantic Expressionism
- Romantic Landscape Painting
- Architecture and Photography
- French Naturalism and Social Realism
- Impressionism

Survey of Western Art
1B online uses the WebCT course management system. Please access
the WebCT orientation page before the course begins and become
familiar with how it works by using the following link:
You will not
have access to the server until the first day of class.
- You will go to the WebCT
site to:
- send to and
receive email from the instructor
- find the weekly
homework assignments
- take the weekly
- track your grades
- use the course
- On the first day
of the semester, go to the WebCT log in page http://cvc.webct.com/webct/homearea/homearea
and get
started. Delaying participation may cause you to miss a
time sensitive assignment and lose course points that
will affect your grade
- When you log on to
WebCT, your email address is automatically captured. You
do not need to notify your instructor that you are
registered or relate you email address. You may send your
instructor a message if you have a question..

- Homework
is self-graded. Do not send it to your instructor.
The purpose of the
homework is to prepare you for the weekly quiz.
For each week of the semester, you will
be required to:
- complete the reading assignment.
- complete the homework assignment based on the reading and
all online materials. Do not send it to your instructor.
- use all weekly online assignments to prepare for the
weekly quiz.

Weekly Quizzes and Conditions
This course uses a quiz format only (no midterms; no
final exam; no extra credit assignments).
- After completing the weekly assignment, reviewing the
online materials, and completing the homework assignment,
you will take a 100 point quiz by clicking on the Quizzes
icon within WebCT. Check the
course calendar on the WebCT Homepage to see exact
availability and due dates.
- Quizzes consist of objective, multiple choice and
true/false questions.
- In order to be successful with this
course, complete the homework and review the online
materials BEFORE taking the weekly quiz.
- Quizzes are available ONLY
through the WebCT web site for
calendared ten days each. No Exceptions.
- All dates for assignments
and quizzes will be posted on the course calendar
accessible from the WebCT Homepage.
- Do not register
for this course unless you understand that makeup quizzes
will be not be given. This condition applies to all
students. There is no extra credit.

Your semester grades will be based on a composite of your quiz
scores. There is no extra
13 quizzes valued at 100 points each = 1300 possible points
Point Assessment and letter grade equivalent
1300 - 1170 = A
1169 - 1040 = B
1039 - 910 = C
909 - 780 = D
779 - 000 = F

Withdrawal From This Course:
If you drop this course, remember that withdrawal is not an
automatic process. Withdrawal is the student's sole
responsibility, not the instructor's. Contact the Admissions and
Records Office to initiate the Drop Process. Please read the DROP
PROCEDURES carefully in the Schedule of Classes
to avoid unnecessary grade penalties. If your name is on the
class roster at the end of the semester, you will receive a
grade. That grade will be an unearned F if you register for the
course and do not drop.

Office Hours and Location
- Instructors Mail Box: Fine Arts Building
Room on the West Valley College campus
- Instructors Office Hours: Online by
arrangement. I will respond to your message within 48
hours, Monday through Thursday.
- Instructors Phone Mail: 408-741-2045 X3298
- Instructors Mailing Address: 14000
Fruitvale, Saratoga, Ca. 95070
- e-mail: Click on email link on the WebCT Homepage

Return to Art History 1B Online Welcome


- Revised December 2004
- by Kathleen Grisham
- Return to the West Valley College