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Art History: Survey of Western Art 1A
Online Syllabus - Fall 2005

History of Western Art
Prehistory through the Middle Ages in Western Europe
Cynthia Reiss, Instructor


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Course Syllabus

Course Description: Survey of Western Art 1B - Online

Survey of Western Art 1A - Online is an academic Art History course designed to provide you with the opportunity to learn the general styles, concepts, purposes, and interpretations of Western Art from Prehistory through the Middle Ages. Artistic styles will be explored in relationship to man's social history, thoughts, needs and beliefs. The focus will be on architecture, sculpture,and to a lesser degree, on painting. This course meets online only. There are no sessions on campus. This distance learning course is conducted completely via the Internet, e-mail, and telephone conversation. You will be responsible for assignments which will be posted weekly.

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Required Text


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Course Objectives:

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Major Topics

Note: This course uses only the following chapters in the text book Art History:

Use Notes, Starter Kit and Introduction

Chapter 1: Prehistory and Prehistoric Europe

Chapter 2: Art of the Ancient Near East

Chapter 3: Art of Ancient Egypt

Chapter 4: Aegean Art

Chapter 5: Art of Ancient Greece

Chapter 6: Etruscan Art and Roman Art

Chapter 7: Early Christian, Jewish and Byzantine Art

Chapter 14: Early Medieval Art in Europe

Chapter 15: Romanesque Art

Chapter 16: Gothis Art

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Survey of Western Art 1A Online uses the WebCT course management system. Please access the WebCT orientation page before the course begins and become familiar with how it works by using the following link:


You will not have access to the course materials until the first day of the semester, August 29, 2005.


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Homework - Homework is self-graded. Do not send it to your instructor.

For each week of the semester, you will be required to:

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Weekly Quizzes and Conditions

This course uses a quiz format only (no midterms; no final exam).

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Your semester grades will be based on a composite of your quiz scores.

13 quizzes valued at 100 points each = 1300 possible points

Point Assessment and letter grade equivalent

1300 - 1170 = A

1169 - 1040 = B

1039 - 910 = C

909 - 780 = D

779 - 000 = F

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Withdrawal From This Course:

If you drop this course, remember that withdrawal is not an automatic process. Withdrawal is the student's sole responsibility, not the instructor's. Contact the Admissions and Records Office to initiate the Drop process. Please read the DROP procedures carefully in the Schedule of Classes to avoid unnecessary grade penalties.

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To email the instructor: [email protected]