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FirstName LastName
Instructor,  Communication Studies
Department Chair,
Academic Senator at Large

Room 4e in the Language Arts Building
Phone: (408.741.2629)

Dr. Hannigan's Fall 2010 Schedule

Bored? Click here to read my dissertation on leadership

Fall 2010 Office Hours:
MW 8:45 - 9:15 AM and 12:30 - 1:30 PM
TH 2:00 to 2:30 PM



West Valley College campus
Comm. 001 Public Speaking
Comm. 004 Small Group
Comm.020 Argumentation and Debate
Bus. 100 Special Topics
Social Pschology of Leadership
Organization and Behavior



college name , city

  • Ph.D., Organizational Management, with a Specialization in Leadership, Capella University (2008)
    I am a BIG fan of online education. Talk with me if you are interested!
  • M.A., Communication Studies, San Jose State University (1996)
  • B.A., Communication Studies, San Jose State University (1993)
  • A.A., Liberal Arts, West Valley College (1990)


  • West Valley College - 2001 - present
  • Santa Clara University - 2002 -2010-
    At SCU, I teach in the Leavey School of Business:
    Social Psychology of Leadership, Organizational Behavior
  • Strategic Planning, Communication Consulting - www.drjohnhannigan.com
  • LynuxWorks, SynergyWorks' Program Manager
  • P-Com Inc, Sr. Customer Contract Manager
  • Hewlett-Packard, Call Support

Below are topics that I find very interesting, but they are VERY controversial. Do you disagree with me? Let's dialogue about it!!


  • The Global Warming debate is now over. Author of the original "Hockey Stick" data set used by Al Gore admits: No Global Warming since 1995, Warming periods have happened before and not due to man-made changes. "The debate over whether the world could have been even warmer than northern countries was far from settled."   Wait, I thought the science was settled???

  • Is President Obama Elegible to serve as President? See my Elegibility Dialogue. Do you disagree with me? Take my class and tell me why!
  • This is the Loaa_Ka_Aina_Hoopulapula document referenced in my argument above.
  • Does President Obama meet the eligibilty requirements of Article I Section 2 of the Constitution?
  • An August 4th 2010 CNN Opinion Poll shows that only "42% of Americans think President Obama was definitely born in the U.S." It is interesting to note that the methodology of the population is skewed in favor of the President, as he carried the overwhelming support of Independents and Democrats (39% Independents, 33% Democrats and only 28% of Republicans). One wonders if those numbers would be worse if the population was not skewed. You can read the CNN spin here
  • Stimulus funding goes to Democratic district 1.6 times more than Republican, to higher income districts than lower and 66% to public sector vs. 44% private sector.
  • Scientist broke law by hiding climate change data...Now that's my idea of settled scholarly science!!
  • Science is about repeatability, so is the science of global warming settled when the scientist have thrown away their raw data?
  • "Renowned" Climatologists allegedly colluded in manipulating data to support the view that climate change is real.
  • Are humans really causing Global Warming, or is C02 simply plant food? A U.S. Senate report identifies over 700 international scientists who dissent over "Man-made" Global Warming.
  • Oops, Antarctic Ice melt is at lowest level since tracked by satellites.
  • The British EPA believes that "everyone should have a Carbon Ration" and should be penalized if they use too much! Read this to find out!
  • A new religion
  • In a study sure to ruffle the feathers of the Global Warming cabal, Professor Richard Lindzen of MIT has published a paper which proves that IPCC models are overstating by 6 times the relevance of CO2 in Earth’s Atmosphere. Using actual data not computer models, Dr. Lindzen has found that as the planet heats up, it actually radiates more energy out into space, not less. So, there is no "Greenhouse effect" taking place.
  • The BBC asks: What happened to Global Warming?
  • For the latest science regarding fallacious myth of "Global Warming" book mark www.co2science.org

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