edge of top banner, rounded black background
oak leaf logo
West Valley College image title
Photo of a piece of the West Valley oak tree
end of the oak tree image
Tips for opening, saving, and printing documents


Open: Click on a link to open a document. Or, ctrl-click on the link and select "Open Link In New Window" to open it in a separate browser window.

Save: Ctrl-click on the link and select "Download linked file" to save the document to your computer.

Print: From the File Menu, select Print... Click on Print. To print more than one PowerPoint slide on a page (saves paper) select Page Scaling, Multiple pages per sheet. Change the settings as desired.


Open: Click on a link to open a document. Or, right-click on the link and select "Open Link In New Window" to open it in a separate browser window.

Save: Right-click on the link and select "Save Link As..." to save the document to your computer.

Print: From the File Menu, select Print... Click on Print. To print more than one PowerPoint slide on a sheet (saves paper) change the Printer Properties before clicking on Print: Select Properties, Page Layout, Pages per Sheet. Increase the number of pages per sheet to 2 or 4.

simple gray backgound for footer links.
end of gray background footer.