SCUBA Diving - P.E. 7.23

Instructor: Steve McCann

Office: 1R Physical Education
Phone: (408) 741-4005
E-mail:  [email protected]

Office Hours: T-TH: 4:00 - 5:30

Topics | Prerequisites | Objectives | Grading

I. Prerequisites:
1. Swimming ability as demonstrated by in-water testing
  a) 300 yard swim
  b) 15 minute float/tread
  c) 45 foot underwater swim
2. Medical History Questionnaire form
3. Liability Release form

II. Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce you to the sport of skin and scuba diving.  It will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to become a safe and competent SCUBA diver.

III. Course Objectives:
At the conclusion of the course the student will be able to:
1. Explain the physics related to safe SCUBA diving.
2. Explain human anatomy and physiology as it relates to safe SCUBA diving.
3. Explain the equipment required for safe SCUBA diving.
4. Explain the environment of safe SCUBA diving.
5. List the 10 safe SCUBA diving standards and practices.
6. Demonstrate proficient use of SCUBA diving equipment.
7. Demonstrate the practical skills necessary to receive SCUBA certification.

IV. Course Requirements:
This course is designed to be an activity (pool) and classroom (lecture) course, therefore active participation is essential.  Students are expected to be on time, prepared with the required equipment ready to participate.  The course will be broken into two components:

A)  Class (lecture) Topics:
1. SCUBA Equipment
2. Diving Skills
3. Diving History
4. Diving Science (physics and anatomy/phyisiology)
5. Diving Adaptations
6. Dive Planning
7. Diving Environments

B)  Pool Topics

1.  Skin Diving:
    types of kicks
    types of surface dives
    snorkel clear methods
    tows and rescues  mask clearing
    u/w breath-holding
    BC use
    weight belt use  neutral buoyancy
    snorkel swimming skills
    circuit training drills

2.  SCUBA Diving:
    equipment maintenance
    equipment function
    regulator clearing
    regulator recoveries
    alternate air source buddy breathing
    out-of-air emergencies
    neutral buoyancy
    underwater swimming
    ditch and recovery
    equipment exchanges bailout
    circuit training  scuba rescue

V. Evaluation: Letter Grade or CR/NC
Study Guide ..................�������������. 25 pts.
Final exam .......................................................................... 50 pts.
Pool skills mastery .............................................................. 50 pts.
Total ....................................................................................100 pts.

A = 85 - 100 points                CR = 60 - 100 points
B = 70 - 84 points                   NC = below 50 points
C = 60-69 points
D = 50- 59 points
F = below 50 points

VI. Required Text:

SCUBA DIVING, 3rd Edition, by Dennis Graver, 2003

VII. SCUBA Certification:
Certification is available after completing the appropriate portions of the classroom, pool, and ocean phases of instruction.  Ocean training is by contract only and is not sponsored by West Valley College.  Ocean training is elective and will not be considered in course or grade evaluations.


Week #/Chapter Number
1 Orientation
2 Swim test and SCUBA introduction
3 Chapters 1 & 2 � SCUBA and Equipment
3 SCUBA pool #2
4 Chapters 3 & 4 - Diving Skills and Diving Science
5 SCUBA pool #3
6 Chapter 5 - Diving Adaptations
7 SCUBA pool #4
8 Chapter 6 - Dive Planning (dive tables)
9 SCUBA pool #5
10 Chapter 6 Dive Planning
11 SCUBA pool #6
12 Chapter 7 Diving Environment
13 SCUBA pool #7
14 Final Exam Review
15 Final Exam
16 Graduation and Introduction to Advanced Diving

* Read the chapter and complete the study guide assigned prior to the class meeting.