LS943A,B Writing Support Labs for English 1A and 1B
Instructor: Cheryl Miller
Phone: Cheryl: (408) 741-2620
E-mail: [email protected]
Office Location: Room 4A Disability and Educational Support Program (LS Building)
Required Course Materials: To be brought to each support class meeting:
Mainstream English course green sheet, syllabus, assignment sheets
Textbook(s) from mainstream English class
Assignments, papers, tests returned to you from your English course
Flash drive or e-mail account information to save work done in computer lab
Course Description: This course is designed to support you in your mainstream English course. Each class meeting will focus on discussion of readings and/or written assignments from your mainstream English course. Periodically, lectures will be given on various topics such as MLA guidelines or identification and correction of run ons. In addition, one-on-one discussion about an essay to be turned in to your mainstream English instructor may also be accomplished. Students desiring additional help may meet with me during an office hour.
Grading: Credit/No Credit. Credit is based on: