West Valley College_
Department of Psychology___
Michelle D. Reed

Psychology of Women: A Multicultural Perspective

Spring 2020

General Information:
This is a late start online Psychology of Women course that begins on 2/04/2020. Students who fail to log-on during the first three days of class will be dropped from the roster. After that time, if for any reason a student has to stop participating in this course, it is his or her responsibility to formally drop the class with Admissions and Records. Any student failing to formally drop the course under such circumstances, will receive an F on his or her transcript.
Course Description:

The Psychology of Women provides students with an understanding of the gender development of women from a biopsychosocial perspective. Special attention will be placed upon the influence of culture, class, and ethnicity in the topics discussed.  Online Format: 3 units.  Acceptable for credit: University of California; California State University. This course also meets the cultural diversity requirement for the AA degree. Course Number: Psych 009. Section Number: 30232. This class may be taken with a pass/ no pass option.

Students will be expected to read a minimum of 1 chapter per week from the primary textbook, to read from supplemental reader(s) and posted lectures/ assignments, and to actively participate in online discussion assignments (when applicable). The supplemental reader(s), while brief in length, will need to be completed when assigned, in addition to the text reading assignments. With any 3 unit college course, students are expected to spend a minimum of 2-3 hours of studying for every hour they spend in class. Since this is an online course without in-class lectures to attend, it is particularly accelerated. Online courses in many ways are more challenging for the student, as the workload requires one to stay on task and self-motivated throughout the semester.

That said, psychology is a fascinating field with a myriad of topics to discuss and explore.  In this course, we will discuss everything from gender differences in communication and brain development to selected topics, such as Native American myths re: women and creation; society's influence on body image, sexuality, and sexual behavior; and violence toward women.  My course offers interesting reading, several fascinating videos, lectures/ posted articles, and class discussions.  This is a course that will be fun and provide new insights for men and women alike!

Course Objectives:
The student will be required to demonstrate an ability to analyze, synthesize, and critically evaluate basic concepts in gender-role development both in testing formats and practical applications. By the completion of this course, one must be able to explain the biopsychosocial determinates of behavior for women, and critically analyze and evaluate research findings in selected topics regarding the influence of culture, class, and ethnicity.
Office Hours:
Regular online office hours will be held online via Canvas on Wednesdays from 7:00-7:30 P.M. Appointments may also be scheduled on an individual basis. Students needing to schedule individualized appointments should call my voicemail a minimum of 24 hours in advance, in order to ensure I have received the request in time. Students are encouraged to discuss any difficulties or questions they may have regarding the course content. Prior to the beginning of the semester, students may also contact me via my e-mail address: [email protected]. During the term, all email communication will occur from within Canvas at: https://wvm.instructure.com/login/canvas
Disability Statement:
West Valley College makes reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. College materials will be available in alternate formats (Braille, audio, electronic format, or large print) upon request. Please contact the Disability and Educational Support Program at (408) 741-2010 (voice) or (408) 741-2658 (TTY) for assistance.
Testing Format and Policy:

Students will be given eleven 30-point (multiple-choice) chapter quizzes based upon the text reading assignments; the lowest chapter quiz will be dropped at the end of the term. In addition, students will be given four MANDATORY exams during the course, which will cover both lecture material and reading assignments.

The first two mandatory exams (each on a Thursday evening from 7:00-8:30 P.M.) will consist of multiple choice, fill-in and short answer, as well as essays; these exams will be taken ONLINE at a set date/time. The final exam will be taken online on Thursday, 5/07/20 from 7:00-9:00 P.M.. The final discussion topic (a written assignment) will be due on Thursday, 5/07/20.The majority of your grade in the course will be based upon your chapter exam and essay exam scores. A small percentage (approximately 6%) of your grade will be based upon your active, appropriate, and consistent participation in the course

Grading Policy:

Student exams will be graded on a slight curve, which is very close to a traditional percentage grading system. At the end of the semester, student test and participation scores are totaled. This final point total is used to formulate the overall grade out of the 750 total possible points.

Your final grade in the class will be out of 750 possible points:*  

Category Total Points Per Category
10 Chapter Exams 300
2 Essay Exams 200
Final Exam 200
Participation 50
Total Possible Points: 750*
Cheating Policy:
Students caught cheating will receive an F for that exam or project. The zero will be averaged into the student's final grade. Additional repercussions from the college may also occur under such circumstances.
Required Text and Reader:
Lips, Hilary. (2017) A New Psychology of Women: Gender, Culture, and Ethnicity (Third Edition or later). ISBN 10: 1-4786-3188-0

Supplemental Reader (fast read):
Cameron, Anne. (2002) Daughters of Copper Woman. ISBN 13: 978-1-55017-245-4

Both required books are available at the WVC bookstore. If you choose to order elsewhere, the materials MUST be in your possession by the third day of class.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):
Outcome: Identify and describe behaviors in a simulated life context (DVDs) that clearly illustrate core concepts from the lexicon of Psychology of Women when taught from a multicultural perspective. These concepts include the following: collectivist culture, culture-gender interaction, gender roles, display rules, ethnic/cultural identity, gender role ideology, gender discrimination, gender stereotypes, and modern sexism.

Outcome: Explain the biosocial and cultural factors that influence women’s development throughout their life span by successfully answering questions in the following areas. a) Why a Global, Multicultural Psychology of Women? b) Female-Male Comparisons: The Meaning and Significance of Difference c) The Female Body and Its Meanings d) Growing Up Female: Expectations, Images and Identities e) Self-Confidence, Assertiveness, and Entitlements f) Women's Work g) Physical Health, Illness, and Healing h) Mental Health, Illness, and Therapy i) Myths and Scripts for Women Growing Older j) Sexualities k) Violence Against Women: A Worldwide Problem l) Leadership, Power, and Social Change

***Please note: the instructor reserves the right to change any portion of this syllabus during the semester to meet the needs of the class  .