P.E. Theory 44                                     Instructor: Diane Rudy

Lifetime Fitness                                   Phone: 408-741-4032

West Valley College                               Email: [email protected]

                                                      Office hours: MW, 12:30 - 1:30               

Course Syllabus


Units 2.0, Credit no Credit Option 


Lifetime Fitness is a 2 unit lecture course that will cover the theories of fitness, lifestyle changes, fitness assessment, and exercise programs that lead to a healthier lifestyle.


Text and Assignments*

The required text for this class is Fit and Well Alternate Edition 8th ed, by Fahey, Insel, and Roth.  The assignments are all found in the book and so buying it is not an option. As part of your homework assignments, you will be assessing your fitness level. This will involve running or walking, measuring your strength, flexibility, and body composition. You will turn in reports outlining these activities throughout the semester.


*Students will need to have access to the internet and will need to have Firefox internet browser to access the website below for assignments. Assignments will be conducted using the ANGEL Learning course management system.  This is a required online component of the course.



Grading for this portion of the class will be as follows:

Each week will require you to read one chapter in the text, read the supplementary lecture notes, watch the PowerPoint presentations online, and complete the lab homework activity. These will all prepare you to successfully complete the required 10-question quiz at the end of each week. Your compiled quiz scores along with the score of your final exam will determine your final grade for course.                                     


14 labs at 10 points each = 140 points

11 quizzes at 20 points each = 220

Final Summary Write-up at 40 points 

Total course points = 400 points


A = 360-400 points

B = 320-359 points

C = 280-319 points

D = 240-279 points

Credit requires at least 280 points




Beginning the Course and Logging into ANGEL


This course uses an online course management system called ANGEL. It requires that you have a log in name and password. If you just registered, it may take a few days for the college to set up and process your information on our database before your log in name is active. See the section below to learn how to determine your log in name and password:


Before the course begins, access the browser tune-up page to make sure you have Java enabled and have also allowed pop-up windows, both required in ANGEL:



Then, on the first day of the semester, go to the ANGEL log in page to get started:



You will need a log in name and password to access ANGEL.


Your login user name consists of all seven digits of your student ID number. Your student ID number is generated by the computer at the college and is included with all of the paperwork you receive from the college. This number is not your social security number. If you can't find any paperwork with your student ID number on it or you never received any paperwork in the first place, please contact the college Admissions and Records office at 408-741-2001.


Your password is your six digit birthdate. Single digits must have a zero in front of them. So if you were born on May 9, 1977, your password would be 050977


NOTE: You will not be able to access the course before the official start date as listed in the schedule of classes.