The following pages contain: 1) a list of assignments for each chapter and 2) the answers to the textbook exercises. Use them to correct your work immediately after doing each exercise. Answers to some of the exercises are not included, as there are no fixed answers. These are usually personalized exercises, meant to be practiced orally. Be sure to prepare these exercises thoroughly as they will help develop your speaking skills and will also help prepare you for the oral part of the midterm and final exams.


While most of the material in each chapter is assigned, be sure to consult the Study Guide each time you begin a new chapter to see what material, if any, has been omitted. Note that you are responsible for the cultural information in each chapter, as well as the grammar and vocabulary. Test questions regarding cultural material will be of a general nature.


When you have completed all of the written and oral exercises for each chapter in the workbook, detach the pages from your workbook, staple them together, and turn them in to the Language Lab as instructed during your orientation. Remember that you do not turn in the textbook exercises. They are meant to be self-corrected and used as a study aid.




CHAPITRE 1, Leçon 1


As you do each part of the assignment, check the item off. When you¹ve completed all of the assignments for Chapitre 1:

Staple the TEXTBOOK exercises for each leçon together with this assignment checklist on top, and place these textbook exercises in your course binder. Please bring this binder with you to each of your exams.

Place your WORKBOOK written exercises for each leçon together in order, followed by your Lab Manual oral comprehension exercises. Staple the written exercises to the oral exercises, with the written exercises on top. (All four written Workbook lessons will be together followed by the four Lab Manual exercises.) Turn the Workbook/Lab Manual exercises in to the Homestudy Assignment Box in the Language Lab by the due date listed on your schedule of assignments.



Chapitre 1, Leçon 1

Textbook assignment:

____ 1. Look at the list of vocabulary words for this lesson on pages 38-39. Listen to the pronunciation of these words, which are recorded on Audio CD#6. If you didn¹t purchase the text package with the Audio Program, you can listen to the cassette recording in the Language Lab. However, since you¹ll want to listen to this recording often, you should take a new blank CD to the Language Lab or AV desk in the Library and ask to have the vocabulary CD copied.

            You should listen to each of the words or expressions and then repeat them out loud, paying close attention to pronunciation and intonation (the way the pitch of your voice rises and falls), especially at the end of an expression. Use a pencil to draw a line through any silent letters that you might have a tendency to pronounce, for example: Paris, janvier, prie, bientôt.

Text Box: Remember: 	- An ³h² is always silent in French.
- An unaccented ³e² at the end of a word is always silent.
- Most final consonants are silent.


Likewise, you can underline any letter that you might tend to forget to pronounce.



Text Box: Remember: 	- An ³h² is always silent in French.-- An unaccented ³e² at the end of a word is always silent.-- Most final consonants are silent. -

   You can also draw a little curved line to indicate a liaison (pronunciation of a final consonant
linking it to the vowel at the beginning of the following word), as in: les amis.



____ 2. Points de départ, pages 3-4

       __ Read the narrative in this section.


      __ Listen and repeat using the Supplemental CD (or cassette)... Be sure to draw a line through any silent letters that you might have a tendency to pronounce. Listen to the final recording of the selection, focusing on comprehension. You should listen until you can understand most of what you hear without looking at the book.


____ 3. Eclairages, page 5

__ Study this section, writing short notes and using a highlighter. You should remember the main concepts.


____ 4. A vous la parole, pages 6-7

__ Exercise A: Write out this exercise and correct with the answers that follow.


1.  Bonjour, mademoiselle.

    -> Bonjour, mademoiselle/ monsieur/ madame.


2.  Comment tu t¹appelles?

    -> Je m¹appelle _______________.


3.  Tu es de Montréal?

   -> Oui, je suis de Montréal.

   -> Non, je suis de ____________.


4.  Ça va?

    -> Ça va.


5.  Comment allez-vous?

    -> Très bien, merci. Et vous?


6.  Comment ça va?

    -> Très bien, merci.   ou    

    -> Ça va.   ou        

    -> Pas mal.   ou     

    -> Comme ci, comme ça.   ou       

    -> Ça ne va pas.


7.  Voici mon ami, David.

    -> Salut, David. / Bonjour, David


8.  Je vous présente mon amie Claire.

    -> Enchanté(e)


9.  Au revoir, monsieur.

    -> Au revoir, monsieur/ madame/ mademoiselle/ ________.


10.  Bon, à demain!

    -> À demain!


__    Exercise B: Practice this exercise orally. If you can, do the exercise with a study partner or practice with a tutor. If not, be sure to practice each sentence aloud. The answers are included here so that you can check your work.


1.  Salut! Je m¹appelle ___________. Et toi, comment tu t¹appelles?


2.  Salut! Comment tu t¹appelles? Je m¹appelle _______________.


3.  Tu es de ______________?


4.  Salut, ______________? Ça va? / Comment ça va?


5.    (Marc)_, voici   (David)  .   (David)  , je te présente   (Marc)  .


6.  Bonjour, Madame/ Monsieur/ Mademoiselle! Comment allez-vous?


7.  Bonjour, Madame/ Monsieur/ Mademoiselle. Voici mon camarade de classe, _________.


8.  Au revoir!/ À bientôt!, ___________, __________, etc. (À demain!)


9.  Au revoir, Madame/ Monsieur/ Mademoiselle!


__  Exercises C, D, and E: Practice orally. Answers will vary.

____ 5. Formes et fonctions, pages 7-8


__   Study this section, taking notes and using a highlighter.

Note that there are optional practice activities for each Formes et fonctions section on your CD-ROM and on the text website:


_____ 6. A vous la parole, page 9-10


__  Exercise A: --- (Not assigned)


__  Exercise B: Write out this exercise and correct with the answers that follow.


1.  Mme Dupont? En forme.

-> Elle est en forme.


2.  Toi? Fatigué.

-> Tu es fatigué.


3.  Alain? Très occupé.

-> Il est très occupé.


4.  Chantal? Malade.

-> Elle est malade.


5.  David et toi? En forme.

-> Vous êtes en forme.


6.  Guy? Stressé.

-> Il est stressé.


7.  Nous? Fatigués.

-> Nous sommes fatigués.


8.  Vous?

-> Moi, je suis ____________.


  __  Exercise C: Write out and correct.


1.  elle/ au Mexique

-> Elle est de Mexico?


2.  Paul/ au Canada

-> Il est de Montréal?


3.  Marc et Jean/ en Belgique

-> Ils sont de Bruxelles?


4.  nous/ en Suisse

-> Nous sommes de Genève?


5.  vous/ en Italie

-> Vous êtes de Florence?


6.  toi/ aux États-Unis

-> Tu es de Washington?


7.  moi/ en Espagne

-> Je suis de Madrid?


8.  Christine et Alice/ en France

    -> Elles sont de Nice?

__   Exercise D: ---


_____ 7. Lisons, page 10-11


Note: You can write the answers to these exercises in your book and then correct them with the answers below.

__  Exercise A: Read only.

__  Exercise B: You don¹t need to write the cognates out; simply underline them. Some of the cognates you¹ll find are: avenue, boulevard, nationale, place, république, mai, général, boîte postale

  __  Exercise C: You can do this exercise mentally and then check with the answers that follow.


1. postal box


2. street


3. M. ­Monsieur                               

    Mlle. ­Mademoiselle                     

    Mme. ­Madame

    B.P. ­Boîte Postale


4. code postal = zip code                



    Vieux-Québec‹G1R 3X4

    The code postal is a mix of numbers and letters for Vieux-Québec


5. destinataire‹addressee


 __  Exercise D: Do #2 only and, after you¹ve completed it, check with the addressed envelope below.







Case Postale 1602

CH-1211 GENÈVE 1









__  When you¹ve completed all of the textbook assignments for Leçon 1, staple the textbook exercises together with this assignment checklist on top, and place them in your course binder. Please bring this binder with you to each of your exams.

Chapitre 1, Leçon 1

Workbook assignment:

_____ 1. Exercises 1-1 through 1-5, pages WB1-WB2, in the Workbook/Lab Manual

__     Do the corresponding written exercises for this lesson, which begin on page WB1.

_____ 2. Ecrivons, page WB3.

__    Follow all of the directions for the Ecrivons section (1-6 A, B, and C). You don¹t need to attach a separate piece of paper for the Ecrivons section; you can write the paragraph in your workbook on page WB3. Please write neatly, leaving a space between lines. If you prefer, you can type the paragraph (double-spaced) and tape it to the page. Don¹t forget the accents!



Chapitre 1, Leçon 1

Lab Manual assignment:

_____  1. Using the CD's of the Audio Program, complete the oral comprehension exercises on pages LM1-LM3 of your Workbook/Lab Manual.


_____ 2. Correct your exercises using the Answer Key on page AK1. Be sure to correct using a different colored pen or pencil (but not red).


Remember that you're required to spend a minimum of six hours in the Language Lab during the first four weeks of the semester. Use the taped version of the Audio Program to record your voice after that of the native speaker and compare your accent and pronunciation. This is extremely important, as the pronunciation habits you're establishing now are those that will most likely continue throughout the course. It is very difficult to acquire the correct pronunciation of a word once you've learned it incorrectly.

The first time you use the lab, you'll need to fill out a timecard. Be sure to punch the card with the time clock when you begin lab practice and also when you've completed it.



Chapitre 1, Leçon 1


    _ Review the vocabulary for this leçon. You should know what the words mean in English, how to pronounce and spell them in French, and be able to use them in simple sentences.

      Note: You can use the vocabulary CD to quiz yourself on the meaning of the recorded words. You can also use the recordings to test your spelling. Since the words are recorded in the same order as they appear in your book, you can use the tape as a kind of dictation exercise, listening to a word, stopping the machine and writing the word or expression. When you¹ve finished writing a group of words, verify their spelling by  checking the printed list of words in your textbook.



CHAPITRE 1: Leçon 2



Chapitre 1, Leçon 2

Textbook assignment:

____ 1. Go over vocabulary for this leçon as per previous directions, using the Vocabulary CD.


____ 2. Points de départ, page 12-13

__    Read the introductory text; listen and repeat using the supplemental tape. You should listen until you can understand most of what you hear without looking at the book.


____ 3. Eclairages, page 14

__    Read and highlight.


____ 4. A vous la parole, pages 14-15

__  Exercise A: Write out; correct with the answers that follow.


1.  C¹est une porte.

2.  C¹est une craie.

3.  C¹est une chaise.

4.  C¹est une règle.

5.  C¹est une carte.


__  Exercise B: --- (not assigned)


__  Exercise C: Practice orally.

__  Exercise D: Write out and correct with the answers that follow. 

1. RegardezŠ

    -> Regardez le tableau! 


2. ÉcoutezŠ

-> Écoutez bien, s'il vous plaît!


3. Rendez-moiŠ

-> Rendez-moi les devoirs!


4. Montrez-moiŠ

-> Montrez-moi votre livre!


5. FermezŠ

-> Fermez le livre / la porte / la fenêtre!


6. EffacezŠ

    -> Effacez le tableau!


7. RépondezŠ

-> Répondez en français!


8. AllezŠ

-> Allez au tableau!

-> Allez à la porte!


9. ÉcrivezŠ

-> Écrivez votre nom et votre prénom!


10. PrenezŠ

-> Prenez un stylo!

__  Exercise E: Write out and correct. 

1. You want to interrupt the teacher.

   -> Pardon?


2. You want the teacher to repeat.

   -> Répétez, s'il vous plaît!


3. You don't understand.

   -> Je ne comprends pas.


4. You ask how to say door in French.

   -> Comment dit-on door en français?


5. You want to thank someone.

   -> Merci.


6. You can't hear what's being said.

   -> Parlez plus fort, s'il vous plaît!


7. You don't know how to say please in French.

   -> Comment dit-on please en français?


8. Someone says Merci! to you.

   -> Je vous en prie. / De rien. / Il n'y a pas de quoi.






Even if you don¹t have a study partner, it¹s important to practice the exercises meant for paired or group work aloud. Don¹t just do the answers in your head; talk to yourself out loud. This is important for reinforcing both content and vocabulary. You need as much oral practice as you can get. If you have the time, and haven¹t done so already, consider getting a tutor. It won¹t cost you anything at the college and will provide excellent practice and feedback.



____ 5. Sons et lettres, page 16

Practice the exercises in these sections with the Student Audio CD that came with your book. Remember that this is a very important part of the lesson.


____ 6. A vous la parole, pages 16-17

__  Exercise A: Write out and correct with the answers that follow.

1. - - - - - (5)

2. - - - - - - (6)

3. - - - - - (5)

4. - - - - - - - (7)

5. - - - - - (5)

__  Exercise B: Practice this exercise out loud.

__  Exercise C: Practice this exercise out loud.


____ 7. Formes et fonctions 1, page 17

__  Study this section, taking notes and using a highlighter.


_____ 8. A vous la parole, page 18

__  Exercise A: --- (not assigned)

__  Exercise B: Write out a question and an answer for each number and correct with the answers that follow.


1. Il y a un tableau ici?

    -> Oui, voilà un tableau.

    -> Non, il n¹y a pas de tableau.


2. Il y a un bureau ici?

    -> Oui, voilà un bureau.

    -> Non, il n¹y a pas de bureau.


3. Il y a une affiche ici?

    -> Oui, voilà une affiche.

    -> Non, il n¹y a pas d¹affiche.

4. Il y a une carte ici?

    -> Oui, voilà une carte.

    -> Non, il n¹y a pas de carte.


5. Il y a un magnétophone ici?

    -> Oui, voilà une magnétophone.

    -> Non, il n¹y a pas de magnétophone.


6. Il y a un ordinateur ici?

    -> Oui, voilà un ordinateur.

    -> Non, il n¹y a pas d¹ordinateur.


7. Il y a un règle ici?

    -> Oui, voilà une règle.

    -> Non, il n¹y a pas de règle.


8. Il y a une cassette ici?

    -> Oui, voilà une cassette.

    -> Non, il n¹y a pas de cassette.


__  Exercise C: ---


__  Exercise D: ---


____ 9. Formes et fonctions 2, pages 19-20

__  Study this section, taking notes and using a highlighter.


_____ 10. A vous la parole, page 21

__  Exercise A: Sentence order will vary but will include the following:


__  Il y a une fenêtre.


__  Il y a une chaise.


__  Il y a un bureau.


__  Il y a une carte.  or  Il y a une affiche.


__  Il y a un tableau.


__  Il y a un magnétophone.


__  Il y a un étudiant.


__  Il y a une étudiante.


__  Il y a une règle.


__  Il y a un stylo.


__  Exercise B: Write out, using a variety of people¹s names.


1. Voilà un cahier; c¹est le cahier de Danielle.


2. Voilà un crayon; c¹est le crayon d¹Yves.


3. Voilà une cassette; c¹est la cassette de Pierre.


4. Voilà un livre; c¹est le livre de Jean.


5. Voilà un stylo; c¹est le stylo de Thérèse.


6. Voilà un bureau; c¹est le bureau de Gilles.


7. Voilà une règle; c¹est la règle de Jacques.


8. Voilà une gomme; c¹est la gomme d¹Yvonne.


__  Exercise C: Write out and correct.


1.  le jet


2.  le rock


3.  le bateau


4.  la solution


5.  la beauté


6.  le vélo


7.  le micro, le microphone


8.  le communisme


_____ 11. Lisons, pages 22-23


__  Exercise A: Write out. Answers will vary.

__  Exercise B: Underline the cognates you recognize. Then check with those below.

dimensions, nylon, poches, coloris, artiste, couleur, type, pacquet, compartiments, frontales, magiques, fluos, cassettes

__  Exercise C: Write the answers to this exercise in your book and check with those below.


      1. fluos = fluorescent


2. sac à dos type ³3000,² cartable ³range-tout,² cassettes ³HIJ.² l¹unité is the price of a single object when one does not buy that object in bulk.


      3. poches = pockets


__  Exercise D: ---


When you¹ve finished the textbook exercises for this leçon, staple them together with this assignment checklist on top, and place them in the Chapter 1 section of your course binder. Remember to bring your course binder to your midterm exam.


Chapitre 1, Leçon 2

Workbook assignment:


_____ 1. Exercises 1-7 through 1-12, pages WB4-WB-6, in the Workbook/Lab Manual

__  Do the written exercises on these pages.


_____ 2. Ecrivons, page WB6

__  This section is not assigned.




Chapitre 1, Leçon 2

Lab Manual assignment:

_____ 1. Use the Audio Program to do the corresponding oral comprehension exercises for leçon 2 in your Lab Manual (pages LM4 - LM7).


_____ 2. Correct your exercises using the Answer Key at the end of your workbook (pages AK1-AK2). Be sure to correct using a different colored pen or pencil (other than red).




Go to the lab to practice pronunciation. Listen and repeat, recording your voice. Then go back and listen to the taped recording, comparing your voice with that of the native speaker. See how close you can come, not only in pronunciation, but also in accent. Remember to keep your speech organs tense (no glided vowels) and to imitate the intonation (way the voice rises and falls) of the speaker.

Be sure to punch in and out on your timecard and to return your card to the file when finished. Remember that you¹re required to spend a minimum of six hours in the Language Lab during the first four weeks of the course.




Chapitre 1, Leçon 2


__    Review the vocabulary for this leçon. You should know what the words mean in English, how to pronounce and spell them in French, and be able to use them in simple sentences. Remember that you can use the recording on the Vocabulary CD for review.



CHAPITRE 1: Leçon 3



Chapitre 1, Leçon 3

Textbook assignment:

____ 1. Go over vocabulary for this leçon as per previous directions, using the Vocabulary CD.


____ 2. Points de départ, pages 24-25

__    Read the text; listen and repeat using the supplemental tape. You should listen until you can understand most of what you hear without looking at the book.


____ 3. A vous la parole, pages 25-28


__    Exercise A: Practice orally.


__    Exercise B: Practice orally.

__    Exercise C: Write out; you can do this one in your book.  Answers will vary but some logical answers follow.

1. 18

2. 2

3. 26

4. 1

5. 0

6. 7

7. 4, 14, 18, ou 21

8. 25

__    Exercise D: Write out and correct with the answers that follow.

                  1. C¹est le premier janvier.

                  2. C¹est le quatorze février.

                  3. C¹est le dix-sept mars.

                  4. C¹est le premier mai.

                  5. C¹est le quatre juillet.

                  6. C¹est le quatorze juillet.


                  7. C¹est le onze novembre. 

__    Exercise E: Practice saying your birthday out loud.


Remember that, even if you don¹t have a study partner, it¹s important to practice the exercises meant for paired or group work aloud.




____ 4. Eclairages, page 26

__  Read and highlight.

____ 5. Sons et lettres, page 28

Read over this section and highlight. You need to memorize the names of the different accents. Remember that, when spelling aloud or writing a word, the accent is considered part of the spelling. A word with incorrect, or omitted, accents is considered misspelled.

____ 6. A vous la parole, page 29

__  Exercise A: You can write this exercise in your book and then correct with the answers below.

1.     l¹ONU =  c. l¹Organisation des Nations-Unis


2.     l¹OEA =  d. l¹Organisation des États-Américains  


3.     l¹OTAN =  f. l¹Organisation du Traité de l¹Atlantique Nord


4.     l¹UE =  a. l¹Union Européenne


5.     le SIDA =  d. le Syndrome immunodéficitaire acquis


6.     les USA =  b. les États-Unis d¹Amérique


__  Exercise B: ---


__  Exercise C: Practice spelling the words in this exercise out loud. The first three answers are given below as a guide. Note that they are written as they¹re pronounced in French (not in the symbols of the IPA, or international phonetic alphabet). Remember that you don¹t need to write out this exercise yourself.


1.     le français  =  èl ­ eu      èf ­ èr ­ a ­  èn ­ sé cédille ­ a ­ i ­ ès


2.     la règle  =  èl ­ a       èr ­ eu accent grave ­ jé - èl ­ eu


3.     la fenêtre = èl ­ a     èf ­ eu ­ èn ­ eu accent circonflexe ­ té ­ èr ­  eu


____ 7. Formes et fonctions 1, pages 29-30

__  Study this section, taking notes and using a highlighter.


_____ 8. A vous la parole, pages 30-31


__   Exercise A: Practice this exercise orally.


__    Exercise B: Practice orally.


___    Exercise C: ---


____ 9. Formes et fonctions 2, page 31


__  Study this section, taking notes and using a highlighter. You will need to memorize these pronouns and know when to use them. Note that only moi, toi, lui, and eux are different from the subject pronouns.


_____ 10. A vous la parole, page 32


__  Exercise A: Write out and correct with the answers that follow.


              1. C¹est Guy?

                  -> Oui, c¹est lui.


              2. C¹est Janine?

                  -> Oui, c¹est elle.


              3. C¹est toi?

                  -> Oui, c¹est moi.


              4. C¹est Alain?

                  -> Oui, c¹est lui.


              5. Ce sont Anne et Nicole?

                  -> Oui, ce sont elles.


              6. C¹est vous?

                  -> Oui, c¹est moi. / Oui, c¹est nous.


              7. Ce sont Georges et Michel?

                  -> Oui, ce sont eux.


              8. Ce sont Béatrice et Laurent?

                  -> Oui, ce sont eux.           

__  Exercise B: Write out and correct.

1. Nous, nous sommes en forme.


2. Toi, tu es fatigué.

3. Lui, il est très occupé.


4. Nous, nous sommes malades.


5. Vous, vous êtes en forme.


6. Lui, il est stressé.

7. Eux, ils sont occupés.


8. Elles, elles sont très fatiguées.


9. Vous, vous êtes _____________.


__  Exercise C: ---


_____ 11. Ecoutons, page 32


__  Use your Student Audio CD to do exercises 1 and 2. Be sure to listen several times for general comprehension; then fill in the answers in your book. Correct with the answers that follow.



Jacques CHIRAC

Ville d¹origine



le 29 novembre


président de la République française

Gabrielle ROY

Manitoba, Canada

le 22 mars


Emmanuelle BÉART


le 14 août

actrice de cinéma


Dakar, Sénégal

le 5 mars

chanteur (rappeur)


When you¹ve finished the textbook exercises for this leçon, staple them together with this assignment checklist on top, and place them in the Chapter 1 section of your course binder. Remember to bring your course binder to your midterm exam.


Chapitre 1, Leçon 3

Workbook assignment:

_____ 1. Exercises 1-14 through 1-19, pages WB7-WB8, in the Workbook/Lab Manual

__  Do the written exercises on these pages.

_____ 2. Ecrivons, page WB9

__  Do all of the steps for this exercise. Type your final e-mail message (double-spaced); cut it out and tape it to page WB9. Remember to include all accents. If you prefer, you may write out your final copy by hand, but please write neatly and leave space between each line for comments and/or corrections.

_____ 3. Lisons, pages WB9-WB10:

__  Do exercises A and B.

__  Exercise C is not assigned.

Chapitre 1, Leçon 3

Lab Manual assignment:

__  Use the Audio Program to do the corresponding oral comprehension exercises for leçon 3 in your Lab Manual (pages LM8 ­ LM11).

Correct your exercises using the Answer Key at the end of your workbook (pages AK2-AK3). Be sure to correct using a different colored pen or pencil.


Go to the lab to practice pronunciation. Listen and repeat, recording your voice. Then go back and listen to the taped recording, comparing your voice with that of the native speaker.


Be sure to punch in and out on your timecard and to return your card to the file when finished. You should have at least two to three hours of lab time by the end of this chapter.





Chapitre 1, Leçon 3


__  Review the vocabulary for this leçon. You should know what the words mean in English, how to pronounce and spell them in French, and be able to use them in a simple sentence. Remember that you can use the recording on the Vocabulary CD for review.


CHAPITRE 1: Venez chez nous

Le français dans le monde


Chapitre 1: Venez chez nous! Qui parle français?

Textbook assignment:

____    1. Parlons, pages 33-35

__  Take the ³quiz² and read over the information that follows. You should use a highlighter and take notes. You¹re responsible for general information, not specifics (no numbers, statistics, years, etc.). There will be cultural questions on all exams.


____    2. Lisons, page 35

__  Exercise A: Read.


__  Exercise B: Do it in your book and check with the answers that follow.


1. 1

2. 4

3. 5

4. 3

5. 6

6. 3

7. 2


__  Exercise C is not assigned.


____ 3. Ecoutons, pages 36-37


__  Listen to the Student Audio CD to complete Exercises A and B. You can write the answers in your book and then check your answers with those that follow.

            Exercise A:


1. Brigitte Piron


2. David Nokan


3. Pierre Trembley


4. Annie Doucet


5. Louis-Jean Dorélus


Exercise B: All four people speak a language other than French.

Baoulé, Creole, (American) English, Flemish, and Cajun are all mentioned. The only language not mentioned is German.

____ 4. Ecrivons, page 37

__  You can write the names of 1) Francophone countries you¹ve visited and 2) Francophone countries you¹d like to visit in your textbook on this page.


When you¹ve finished the textbook exercises for this leçon staple them together with this assignment checklist on top, and place them in the Chapter 3 section of your course binder.


Chapitre 1: Venez chez nous! Qui parle français?

Workbook assignment:


____ 1. Pages WB11-WB12 in the Workbook/Lab Manual:

__  Exercise 1-22: This exercise is not assigned. Please draw a large ³X² through the exercise.

__  Exercise 1-23: Write this exercise in your workbook. Answers will vary.

__  Exercise 1-24: This exercise is not assigned.


Chapitre 1: Venez chez nous! Qui parle français?

Lab Manual assignment

There are no exercises in the Lab Manual for the Venez chez nous section.




1.  Verify that all of your textbook exercises for each leçon (with the assignment checklist on top of each lesson) are in your course binder.

2.  Place your workbook written exercises for each leçon for Chapter 1 together in order. Place all of the Lab Manual exercises for Chapter 1 together in order. Staple the written exercises to the oral, with the written exercises on top.

3.  Turn the Workbook/Lab Manual exercises in to the Homestudy Assignment Box in the Language Lab by the due date listed on your schedule of assignments.



You have completed the first of six chapters assigned for French 1A. A good part of your preparation time for this chapter was spent learning how the course works, how to use the course tools, and figuring out the best and most efficient ways to study.

Since the remaining assignments follow the same patterns, you should find that you¹ll spend less time figuring things out and more time on the language itself. Consequently, your time will be spent much more efficiently.




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