CHAPITRE 3: Leçon 1



Chapitre 3, Leçon 1

Textbook assignment:


____ 1. Look at the list of vocabulary words for this section on pages 114-115. Use the vocabulary CD to listen to the pronunciation of these words, and then listen and repeat.


____ 2. Points de départ, page 77

__  Read the dialogue in this section.

__  Listen and repeat using the first Supplemental CD.

__  Listen to the final recording of the selection, focusing on comprehension. You should listen until you can understand most of what you hear without looking at the book.


____ 3. A vous la parole, pages 78 and 80

__  Exercise A: Write out and correct with the answers that follow.



1.  Madeleine est blonde.


2.  Madeleine est petite.


3.  Madeleine est gentille.


4.  Anne-Marie est mince.


5.  Anne-Marie est grande.


6.  Anne-Marie est brune.


7.  Anne-Marie est intelligente.


8.  Brigitte est énergique.


9.  Brigitte est de taille moyenne.


10. Brigitte est sociable.


__  Exercise B: --                   

__  Exercise C: Pick one or two well-known personalities and describe them out loud.

__  Exercise D: Do this exercise orally.


____ 4. Eclairages, page 79

__  Study this section, writing short notes and using a highlighter. You should be able to describe how the concept of friendship differs in French and American cultures.


____ 5. Sons et lettres, page 80

__  Practice the exercises in this section with the Student Audio CD that came with your book. This section covers an important aspect of French pronunciation. Be sure to study it well.


____ 6. A vous la parole, page 80

__  Exercise A: In your book, draw a line through the silent consonants and then correct with the answers below.


1. avec Robert            5. neuf cahiers


2. il aime danser        6. le jour de Noël


3. s'il vous plaît          7. le Québec


4. pour ma s¦ur        8. le trois février


__  Exercise B: Practice this exercise aloud, applying the rules explained in the Sons et lettres section.


_____ 7. Formes et fonctions, 1, page 81

I found this explanation of adjectives, especially the second half of it, to be very confusing. The author is trying to reinforce correct pronunciation, while at the same time explain the grammar as it applies to written forms.

Read the text on page 81 and if it makes sense to you, just go ahead with the exercises. If you found it confusing, here¹s a different way of looking at the same concepts.



I. What is an adjective?

1. An adjective is a word that describes a person, place or thing.

    Examples: The house is big.

    Paul and Richard are intelligent students.

2. In French (and in other romance languages) adjectives agree in gender (masculine vs. feminine) and number (singular vs. plural) with the noun they modify.

    Examples: La maison est grande.

    Paul et Richard sont des étudiants intelligents.




II. Pronunciation

1. In French, most feminine adjectives end in an ³e.² Consequently, when they¹re spoken aloud you¹ll hear a consonant sound at the end of the word.

    Example: amusante (The ³t² is pronounced.)

2. The masculine form of most adjectives drops the ³e² of the feminine form.

    Example: amusante (feminine) à amusant (masculine)

The pronunciation will be different because now, the word ends in a consonant, which is not pronounced. Remember that a final consonant (except C, F, L, and sometimes R) is normally not pronounced at the end of a word. See Sons et lettres, page 80, to review this.

3. Your book refers to the adjectives described above (those ending with ³e² in the feminine form, with no ³e² in the masculine) as variable. But variable refers only to the pronunciation. In other words, the masculine form is pronounced differently than the feminine.

4. An invariable adjective would be one which is pronounced the same in both the masculine and feminine forms.

    Example: têtue (feminine), têtu (masculine)




III. Adjective formation: feminine vs. masculine

Your book approaches adjectives from a pronunciation standpoint. You can also look at adjectives from a grammatical standpoint. The following may be helpful in remembering the different forms of adjectives.

While not all adjectives follow a single rule, there are families of adjectives, which you¹ll begin to recognize.

1. Most adjectives end in ³e² in the feminine form. The masculine form can be found by dropping the ³e.²

Examples:   feminine                 masculine

blonde        à      blond

brune         à      brun

élégante      à      élégant

jolie           à      joli

méchante    à      méchant

petite         à      petit

réservée      à      réservé

2. Some adjectives end in an ³e² in both the masculine and feminine forms. There is no special rule for recognizing which these are; you just have to learn them.

Examples:   bête







3. Adjectives ending in ³euse² in the feminine usually end in ³eux² in the masculine.

Examples:    feminine                masculine

ambitieuse    à    ambitieux

généreuse     à    généreux

paresseuse    à    paresseux

sérieuse        à    sérieux


4. Adjectives ending in ³ive² in the feminine usually end in ³if² in the masculine.

Examples:    feminine                masculine

active          à    actif

sportive       à    sportif

5. A few adjectives ending in ³sse² or ³lle² change to a single consonant in the masculine form. It¹s easier to just learn the words individually than try to remember a specific rule.

Examples:    feminine                masculine

gentille        à    gentil

grosse          à    gros

6. Some adjectives are totally irregular and must be learned individually.

Examples:    feminine                masculine

belle            à    beau

rousse          à    roux


IV. Adjective formation: singular vs. plural

Since your book doesn¹t go into the plural form of adjectives in any depth at this time, the only things you¹ll need to remember at this point are:

1. With a mixed group of feminine and masculine nouns, the plural form of the adjective is always in the masculine plural. [This is true even if, for example, you¹re speaking of fifty women and one man; an adjective modifying the group would still be in the masculine plural. [Très sexiste, n¹est-ce pas?]

Example:   Mon frère, Pierre, et mes soeurs, Isabelle et Marie, sont ambitieux.

Les bureaux et les chaises sont très petits.

2. To make an adjective plural, you normally just add an ³s² to the singular form of the adjective.

Examples:    Marie et Sophie sont sérieuses.

                     Les livres sont intéressants.

3. An adjective ending in ³s² or ³x² in the singular stays the same in the plural.

Example: Paul est gros.  à  Laurent et Bernard sont gros aussi.

               M. Dupont est roux.  à  Les frères de M. Dupont sont roux aussi.



An important note:

When you look up an adjective in the dictionary, you¹ll usually be given the masculine form. If the masculine form ends in a consonant, you¹ll know to add an ³e² to make it feminine. If the masculine form already ends in an (unaccented) ³e², you¹ll know that the adjective is the same in both masculine and feminine forms. If the adjective doesn¹t conform to these basic ³rules², the dictionary will probably indicate the irregular feminine (or irregular plural) form of the adjective as well.



For additional practice activities for the Formes et fonctions section in your textbook, see your CD-ROM and or the text website:


_____ 8. A vous la parole, page 82-83

__  Exercise A: Write out and correct with the answers that follow.


1.  Et Pierre est roux aussi.


2.  Et Pierre est un peu fort aussi.


3.  Et Pierre est assez amusant aussi.


4.  Et Pierre est très intelligent aussi.


5.  Et Pierre est assez grand aussi.


6.  Et Pierre est vraiment gentil aussi.


7.  Et Pierre est très élégant aussi.


8.  Et Pierre est généreux aussi.


__  Exercise B: Write out and correct. Note that the example is given in the feminine plural. Be sure to look at each sentence carefully to determine which form (masculine or feminine) of the adjective you should use.


1.  Ah non, ils sont gentils.


2.  Ah non, ils sont réalistes.


3.  Ah non, elles sont raisonnables.


4.  Ah non, ils sont grands.


5.  Ah non, ils sont intelligents.


6.  Ah non, ils sont généreux.


7.  Ah non, elles sont drôles. / Ah non, elles sont amusantes.


8.  Ah non, ils sont tous optimistes. 

__  Exercise C: Practice this exercise orally.

__  Exercise D: Be sure to practice this exercise orally.


_____ 9. Formes et fonctions, 2, pages 83-84

__  Study this section, taking notes and using a highlighter. You¹ll most likely need to read this section over several times to digest it.

Remember that there are additional practice activities for each Formes et fonctions section on your CD-ROM and on the text website:


_____ 10. A vous la parole, pages 84-85

__  Exercise A: Write out and correct.


1. Où?


2. Quand?


3. Combien?


4. Pourquoi?


5. Comment?

6. Combien?


7. Quand?


8. Où?


__  Exercise B: Write out. Answers will vary but will resemble those that follow.


1. Ah bon? Quel âge a-t-il?


2. Ah bon? Quand est son anniversaire?


3. Ah bon? Combien de personnes y a-t-il dans sa famille?


4. Ah bon? Où est-ce qu¹il travaille?


5. Ah bon? Quand est-ce qu¹il arrive?


6. Ah bon? Pourquoi n¹est-il pas en forme?


7. Ah bon? Pourquoi n'aime-t-il pas le sport?


8. Ah bon? Combien de chiens a-t-il?


__  Exercise C: Write out and correct. Answers will vary but will resemble those that follow.


1. Quel âge avez-vous, mademoiselle?


2. Quand est votre anniversaire, mademoiselle?


3. Où habitez-vous, mademoiselle?


4. Avez-vous des animaux familier, mademoiselle?


5. Quand est-ce que vous travaillez, mademoiselle?


6. Pourquoi travaillez-vous seulement le week-end, mademoiselle?


7. Quand est-ce que vous avez des cours, mademoiselle?

__  Exercise D: --


_____ 11. Lisons, pages 86-87

__  Exercise A: Do this exercise mentally.

__  Exercise B.1: Write out as many of the answers as you can in your textbook. Some of the vocabulary is difficult. Just guess at what you can. Answers will vary somewhat but you can check with those that follow for general accuracy.






Physical characteristics

Personality traits





not bad





a gentle heart, gentle, vivacious





young at heart, alluring, active, loves drving, going out, discussions, doing odd jobs around the house, happy, easy to live with, does not drink or smoke




green eyes, brown-haired

athletic, well-off





active, full of energy, positive


__  Exercise B.2: --

__  Exercise C. ­

__  Exercise D.1: Write out. Answers will vary.

__  Exercise D.2: Write out. Answers will vary.

__  Exercise D.3: --

When you¹ve finished the textbook exercises for this leçon staple them together with this assignment checklist on top, and place them in the Chapter 3 section of your course binder.


Chapitre 3, Leçon 1

Workbook assignment:


____ 1. Exercises 3-1 through 3-6, pages WB29-WB32

__  Do the written exercises on these pages


____ 2. Ecrivons, page WB32

__  Follow all of the directions for the Ecrivons section (3.7 A, B, and C), but include only the final product when you turn in your assignment. Your writing sample should be typed (double-spaced) or written by hand very neatly, leaving a space between lines. Be sure to include all accent marks. Cut it to fit and tape or staple it to the middle of page WB32.


Chapitre 3, Leçon 1

Lab Manual assignment:


____ 1. Using the CD¹s of the Audio Program, complete the oral comprehension exercises on pages LM25-LM28 of your Workbook/Lab Manual. Correct your exercises using the Answer Key on pages AK5-AK6.


____ 2. You should be sure to listen to each comprehension section a number of times after you¹ve completed your workbook exercises to reinforce comprehension.


Chapitre 3, Leçon 1


__  Review the meaning, spelling and pronunciation of the vocabulary for this leçon.

CHAPITRE 3: Leçon 2


Chapitre 3, Leçon 2

Textbook assignment:


____ 1. Go over vocabulary for this leçon as per previous directions.


____    2. Points de départ, pages 88-89

__  Read the text and vocabulary on these pages. Listen and repeat using the first Supplemental CD.


____ 3. A vous la parole, pages 89-90

__  Exercise A: Write out and correct with the answers that follow.


1. On joue au basket-ball.


2. On joue au golf.


3. On joue au football.


4. On joue aux échecs.


5. On joue du piano.


6. On joue de la guitare.


__  Exercise B: ---

__  Exercise C: Practice saying out loud three things you typically do on the weekend.


_____ 4. Éclairages, page 90-91

__  Read and highlight. You can ignore un sondage on page 91.


_____ 5. Sons et Lettres, page 92

__  Study this section carefully. You should underline and take notes.


_____ 6. A vous la parole, pages 92

__  Exercise A: Practice saying these words aloud, applying the pronunciation rules previously explained in your textbook. Be able to tell why you pronounce either /e/ or /e/.

__  Exercise B: Practice this exercise out loud.


_____ 7. Formes et fonctions, page 93-94

__  Study this section; practice writing out the conjugations of another verb conjugated like préférer. Suggestions: répéter, suggérer, compléter (to complete), espérer (to hope).


_____ 8. A vous la parole, pages 94-95

__  Exercise A:  Write out and correct.


1. Tu préfères regarder la télé.


2. Elle préfère jouer au tennis.


3. Vous préférez jouer du piano.


4. Ils préfèrent jouer au volley-ball.


5. Nous préférons jouer du jazz.


6. Il préfère danser la valse.


7. Elles préfèrent jouer de la guitare.


8. Je préfère jouer aux cartes.


__  Exercise B: Write out. Answers will vary but will begin with the verb forms given below.


1.  Ils préfèrentŠ


2. Elle préfèreŠ


3. Nous préféronsŠ


4. Il préfèreŠ


5. Vous préférezŠ


6.  Elle préfèreŠ


7. Je préfèreŠ


8. Tu préfèresŠ

__  Exercise C: --

__  Exercise D: --


_____ 9. Formes et fonctions, 2, pages 95-96

__  Read, highlight, and take notes.


_____ 10. A vous la parole, page 97

__  Exercise A: Write out and correct.


                        1. Elles parlent du professeur de français.


                        2. Elles parlent du match de basket le week-end dernier.


                        3. Elles parlent des problèmes du campus.


                        4. Elles parlent de la nouvelle camarade de chambre de Magali.


                        5. Elles parlent de l¹oncle de Patrice.


                        6. Elles parlent des devoirs d¹anglais.


                        7. Elles parlent du dernier film de Spielberg.


__  Exercise B: Write out and correct.


                        1. Il joue du jazz.


                        2. Il joue au tennis.


                        3. Elle joue au football.


                        4. Il joue aux échecs.


                        5. Elle joue au tennis.


                        6. Il joue du rock.


                        7. Elle joue de la guitare.


                        8. Il joue au golf.


__  Exercise C: Write out the questions only for #1-#5. Correct with those below.


                        1. Tu parles au prof en français?


                        2. Tu joues de la musique classique?


                        3. Tu es d¹une grande ville, par exemple de Chicago ou de New York?


                        4. Tu joues au golf le week-end?


                                    5. Tu joues du piano?


_____ 11. Écrivons, pages 98-99*

This exercise is not assigned; however, it is an exercise which would help prepare you for the writing section on an exam.



*  If you are interested in having a French pen pal and succeed in making contact with one via the Chez nous website or other resource, print out a copy of your first letter (based on the Ecrivons ³Une lettre d¹introduction² format on page 98 and the response you receive to your letter. Hand the letters in with your next midterm exam or your final and you can obtain 2-5 extra credit points for this activity.



When you¹ve finished the textbook exercises for this leçon staple them together with this assignment checklist on top, and place them in the Chapter 3 section of your course binder.

Chapitre 3, Leçon 2

Workbook assignment:


____ 1. Exercises 3-8 through 3-14, pages WB33-WB36

__  Do the written exercises on these pages.


____ 2. Ecrivons, page WB37

__  Follow all of the steps for this activity, including the proofing described in Part C. Then, type the final copy of your letter, double-spaced and tape or staple it to page WB36. Be sure to include all accent marks. If you write neatly, you can hand-write the letter, but please skip lines to leave room for corrections and comments.


Chapitre 3, Leçon 2

Lab Manual assignment:

____ 1. Use the Audio Program to do the corresponding oral comprehension exercises for leçon 2 in your Lab Manual.


____ 2. Correct your exercises using the Answer Key at the end of your workbook.


Chapitre 3, Leçon 3


__  Review the meaning, spelling, and pronunciation of the vocabulary for this leçon.

CHAPITRE 3: Leçon 3


Chapitre 3, Leçon 3

Textbook assignment:


____ 1. Go over vocabulary for this leçon as per previous directions.


____ 2. Points de départ, page 100

__  Read the text. Listen and repeat using the first Supplemental CD.


____ 3. A vous la parole, page 101

__  Exercise A: Write out and correct with the answers below.


                       1. à la piscine


                       2. aux terrains de sport


                       3. au laboratoire de langues


                       4. au laboratoire de chimie


                       5. à la bibliothèque


                       6. à la résidence


                       7. à l¹infirmerie


                       8. au bureau du professeur (or: dans le bureau du professeur)


                       9. au musée


                       10. à la librairie


__  Exercise B: --

__  Exercise C: Give the first sentence only (É1) for this exercise and correct with the answers below.


                       1. Moi, je préfère le resto U. Et toi?


                       2. Moi, je préfère la bibliothèque. Et toi?


                       3. Moi, je préfère le cinéma. Et toi?


                       4. Moi, je préfère le café. Et toi?


                       5. Moi, je préfère les terrains de sport. Et toi?


                       6. Moi, je préfère la bibliothèque. Et toi?


                       7. Moi, je préfère le théâtre. Et toi?


_____ 4. Éclairages, page 102-103

__  Read over and highlight the information on page 102. Be able to answer the questions at the top of page 103.

__  Read the remaining information for general information only.


_____ 5. Formes et fonctions, 1, pages 104-105

__  Read the information in this section; learn the conjugation of the verb aller.


_____ 6. A vous la parole, pages 105-106

__  Exercise A: Write out and correct. Answers will vary somewhat but will resemble the following:  


                        1. Il va au gymnase.


                        2. Nous allons au cinéma.


                        3. Tu vas au restaurant.


                        4. Ils vont au musée.


                        5. Vous allez aux terrains de sport.


                        6. Elle va à la bibliothèque.


                        7. Je vais au café.


                        8. Elles vont au café.


__  Exercise B: Practice this exercise orally.

__  Exercise C: Write out. Answers will vary but will the verb forms will resemble the following: 


1. Il va étudier à la bibliothèque.


                        2. Nous allons aller au cinéma.


                        3. Elle va parler avec le professeur.


                        4. Ils vont dîner au restaurant universitaire.


                        5. Je vais aller au bureau du professeur.


                        6. Elle va étudier l¹histoire.


                        7. Je vais écrire mon rapport à la bibliothèque.


__  Exercise D: Practice this exercise orally by making up one question and one answer for each number.


_____ 7. Formes et fonctions, 2, pages 106-107

__  Study the information regarding the formation of the impératif, or command form. To simplify this information just remember the following:


1.   There are three forms of the imperative, which correspond to the three pronouns tu, vous and nous.

2.  To form the imperative, simply drop the subject pronoun and, on ­er verbs, drop the ³s² of the tu form.

     tu parles                  =     Parle. (³Speak.² familiar form)

     vous parlez               =     Parlez. (³Speak.² formal and plural forms)

     nous parlons             =     Parlons. (Let¹s speak.)

3.  The imperative forms of être are irregular:

     Sois                              (³Be² familiar form)

     Soyez                            (³Be² formal and plural forms)

     Soyons                          (³Let¹s be²)




_____ 8. A vous la parole, pages 107-108

__  Exercise A: Write out and correct.


                        1. Écoute la radio!


                        2. Ferme la porte!


                        3. Ne regarde pas la télé!


                        4. Va dans ta chambre!


                        5. Répétez, s¹il vous plaît!


                        6. Parlez plus fort, s¹il vous plaît!


                        7. Ne fermez pas la porte, s¹il vous plaît!


                        8. Ne parlez pas anglais, s¹il vous plaît!


                        9. Jouons au basketball!


                        10. Regardons un film!


                        11. Allons au cinéma!


                        12. Ne travaillons pas!


__  Exercise B: Practice this exercise orally.

__  Exercise C: --


_____ 9. Parlons, page 108: This section is not assigned.

When you¹ve finished the textbook exercises for this leçon staple them together with this assignment checklist on top, and place them in the Chapter 3 section of your course binder.


Chapitre 3, Leçon 3

Workbook assignment:  


____ 1. Exercises 3-16 through 3-22, pages WB38-WB40

__  Complete all exercises on these pages.


____ 2. Ecrivons, pages WB41-WB42

__  Follow all steps. Type your final copy (double-spaced) and tape it to the blank space on page WB42. Remember to include all accents. If you prefer, you may write out your final copy by hand, but please write neatly and leave space between each line for comments and/or corrections.


____ 3. Lisons, pages WB43-WB44

__  Exercise 3-24: Write parts A and B; do C mentally.


Chapitre 3, Leçon 3

Lab Manual assignment:


____ 1. Use the Audio Program to do the corresponding oral comprehension exercises for leçon 3 in your Lab Manual.


____ 2. Correct your exercises using the Answer Key at the end of your workbook.



Remember that you should spend some time in the Language Lab working on pronunciation for this lesson.



Chapitre 3, Leçon 3


__  Review the vocabulary for this leçon. You should know what the words mean, how to pronounce and spell them, and be able to use them in simple sentences.

CHAPITRE 3: Venez chez nous

Vive le sport!


Chapitre 3: Venez chez nous! Vive le sport!

Textbook assignment:


____ 1. Read the information on page 109; highlight and take short notes.


____ 2. Ecrivons, pages 109-110

__  Exercise A: Read the information in this exercise. You should recognize the major sporting events and be able to tell what they are (e.g. bike race, soccer match, etc.). You don¹t need to write anything for this section.

__  B. --

__  C. --


____ 3. Parlons, page 111

__  You don¹t need to do this exercise, but do look over the maps of the routes for the two famous races. Remember that one is a bicycle race; the other is an automobile race.


____    4. Lisons, page 112

__  Exercises A, B, C, and D: Complete these exercises, writing the answers in your book. You can check the answers for exercises B and C below.

__  Exercise B: 1. vrai 


                        2. faux


                        3. vrai


                        4. faux


                        5. faux

__  Exercise C: séquestrés, éliminés, punis, consignés


____ 5. Ecoutons, page 113

__  Exercise A: Do mentally.

__  Exercise B: Use the Student Audio CD to fill in the grid in your book. Answers will vary somewhat but will resemble the answers below.








Favorite activities

Surya Bonaly

le patinage artistique

30 ans en 2003

de taille moyenne, forte

énergique, pas du tout paresseuse

le ski, le gymnastique, le patinage

Mary Pierce

le tennis

28 ans en 2003

grande, mince, blonde

ambitieuse, intelligente

nager, écouter de la musique

Benoit Brunet

le hockey

35 ans en 2003

grand, fort, pas jeune


aller au cinéma


__  Exercise C. --

Chapitre 3: Venez chez nous! Vive le sport!

Workbook assignment:


_____ 1. Exercises 3-26 through 3-28, pages WB44-45 (Note that the numbers for these exercises are out of order.)

__  Complete exercise 3-28 (guess, if you¹re unsure) and correct with the answers below. You won¹t be tested directly on all of these sporting events but you should be familiar with the major sporting events of France.

1. c     2. g     3. e     4. f     5. a     6.d     7.c     8.b

__  Exercise 3-26: --

__  Exercise 3-27: You don¹t need to do this exercise. However, you should know what Paris-Dakar refers to and should know where Dakar is located on a map.



Chapitre 3: Venez chez nous! Vive le sport!

Lab Manual assignment:

There are no exercises in the Lab Manual for the Venez chez nous section.



Turn in your assignment to the Language Lab, with the written Workbook exercises together on top, stapled to the Lab Manual exercises beneath, as per previous directions.




You have just completed 50% of the 5-unit Homestudy course, as well as 50% of the 1/2 unit lab course!




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