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Susan Smith, Instructor

3.0 units

Office: LA Office, 4G

Office Hours: MWTH, 10:30-11:30, Additional hours by appointment

Telephone: (408)741-4054

e-mail: susan_smith@westvalley.edu

This letter-graded course is designed to help students improve comprehension and vocabulary at the college level and to improve reading efficiency for a variety of materials for academic, technical, and recreational reading.


HOMEWORK: Homework will include weekly textbook assignments as well as additional outside reading assignments, an ongoing vocabulary assignment, and a long-range project. Homework must be completed prior to attending class. Late homework is not accepted. A portion of your grade is based on completion of homework and class participation.

ATTENDANCE: Regular attendance is essential for your success in this course. The policy of West Valley College is that instructors may drop students for excessive absences. Please notify me if you anticipate being absent for more than one class meeting. You are responsible for all class work and homework upon your return to class. You are responsible for processing add slips or for dropping the course. The last day to drop with a “W” is November 22.

THE CLASSROOM: This is an interactive classroom in which you will be actively involved in the learning process. In addition to instructor presentations, the class will include group discussion, individual and small-group assignments, and projects. In order to participate actively in this class, please

• arrive on time;

• come prepared to participate - that is with completed homework and materials and a positive attitude;

• get to know other students in your group and in the class;

• turn off cell phones and beepers before you enter the classroom - it's a sign of the times!

GRADING: The following scale will be used in grading: A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), D (60-69) and F (59 and below). Your final grade will be determined by your test average, including a comprehensive final exam, completion of work assigned, and a review of your work over the semester.

READING SKILLS LAB: You are encouraged to enroll in a Reading Skills Lab which will provide individual instruction in the skills that we will be working on in class. You will receive extra credit for completing one of these labs. We will be having an orientation to the lab during the second week of class.

Email icon susan_smith@westvalley.edu

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