West Valley College
Human Resource Management
Bus 34 Course Outline

Instructor: Patricia Stokke
Fax and Phone:
Home office (831) 684-9118
Phone at WVC: (408) 741-2151

Email: I check my email on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Please use the email in Angel.
If it is imperative that you contact me immediately, email me at pastokke@aol.com
All assignments must be turned in to the email in Angel or by fax.

Office hours and location: Online at http://wvmccd.angellearning.com, or telephone by arrangement.

Hours by Arrangement:

·        Hours by arrangement are offered so that you may have additional time to meet with your
Instructor to discuss class projects, papers and Internet assignments. Contact me by
telephone or email to arrange a meeting.

·        Internet research assignments may be completed on your personal computer or in the computer
lab on campus.

Course meeting time: Online. Please turn in your assignments on Angel email.

Chat sessions: Online in Angel on the second Wednesday of each month from
9:00 to 9:30 p.m.

Prerequisites: English reading and writing ability at the grade 12 level.

Textbook: Human Resource Management, 11th Edition by Gary Dessler, Prentice Hall 2008

Companion Website: www.prenhall.com/dessler (This text website will access the tests/
quizzes, study notes, PowerPoint presentations, and other resources)

Read the course syllabus carefully: Check the syllabus and course schedule
weekly. I recommend printing a copy and recording due dates in a calendar to keep track
of your assignments.

Course Description: This course explores the central, strategic role that HR plays in making
organizations more competitive. It examines personnel management concepts and practices
including: recruitment and selection of employees; equal opportunity; training and
development; performance appraisals; compensation and benefits; and labor relations.
This course has a special focus on the increase of globalization and workforce diversity
in the high-performance organization.

Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:

1.     Describe the functions of HR management.

2.     Provide examples of the new management practices that are changing HR

3.     Illustrate how building employee commitment can be a cornerstone of an
employer's HR philosophy.

4.     Present the basic processes for: developing job specifications; recruiting,
interviewing, and placement of employees; compensation and benefits plans; and
conducting performance appraisals. Summarize the basic equal employment
opportunity laws regarding discrimination based on age, race, sex, national origin,
religion, sexual orientation, and disability.

5.     Outline the organization's role in the career management process.

6.     Describe occupational laws and how OSHA operates.

7.     Explain labor relations and collective bargaining.

8.     Assess comparable worth and explain its importance today.

Course Plan and Outline: The course is a combination of participation, discussions, case studies,
readings, papers, tests, and group presentations. The following list is an outline of the
course content:

1.     The strategic role of HR management

2.     Equal opportunity and the law

3.     Recruitment and placement

4.     Training and development

5.     Managing organizational renewal

6.     Appraising performance

7.     Managing careers and fair treatment

8.     Compensation

9.     Benefits and services

10. Labor relations and collective bargaining

11. Employee safety and health

12. Managing HR in an international business

Course Requirements: Grades will be based on the following evaluation methods:

A = 90% - 100%
B = 80% - 89%
C = 70% - 79%
D = 60% - 69%
F = 59% and below

20% - Quizzes
20% - Papers: interview and lab papers
20% - Team project
20% - Participation: monthly chat sessions, teamwork, and weekly check-in
with instructor
20% - Question and answer discussions and autobiography

Written assignments:
All papers must be typed, double spaced with a one inch margin, and 12 point Arial or
New Times Roman font. I expect correct spelling and proper grammar. Type your name,
class, section number, and date in the upper right corner, single spaced. A title page is
not required; however, you must indicate the assignment either in the title or in the upper
right corner. You must cite your research sources according to MLA or APA guidelines.
Be careful not to plagiarize. If you are unfamiliar with citing sources and plagiarism,
read about them on the internet or at the library. You may reference the textbook,
however it will not be considered one of the required number of references.

Internet assignments:
You are required to write 2 lab papers on 2 of the topics listed below. Each paper
must be 2 to 3 pages in length. You are required to cite a minimum of 3 references
from reputable sources on the Internet.

1.     Strategic HR management

2.     Employment law and legal considerations of HR

3.     Compensation

4.     Training and organization development

5.     Diversity in the workplace

6.     International HR

Write a 1 to 2 page autobiography. Tell us what type of work you do,
your experience in human resources (HR), whether you are a full time or part
time student, why you are taking this class, and your career goals. Please post it on the
Discussion Forum. You access this by going to the homepage, clicking on
Communications, then click on Autobiography; another box will come up, and click
on New Post. A box will come up for you to type your message. Your autobiographies
will help us get to know one another.

Interview paper:
You will conduct an interview
of a HR professional on one of the following Human
Resource careers:

1.     Careers in Employee Relations

2.     Careers in Training and Development

3.     Careers in Benefits

4.     Careers in Compensation

5.     Careers in Recruitment

6.     Careers in Organization Development

Select an HR professional that has responsibilities in one of the areas listed above that you
are researching. You may conduct the interview in person or over the telephone. Don’t wait
until the last minute to arrange this as plans may need to be changed at the last minute.

Develop appropriate interview questions. The questions must be in written format and a copy
attached to your paper as an appendix.
Read up on the subject before you formulate the
questions. Your questions should center around the career path that the individual has
followed to achieve his/her current position and the duties that makeup their day.

Conduct the interview and analyze your interview results, comparing the information you
gathered to your expectations you had going into the interview and your research.

Write a 3-5 page paper reporting your findings (follow the written assignments instructions
listed above). Be sure to properly cite the articles you used in preparing and researching your
paper. Note that simply reporting the answers to the interview questions is not sufficient.
Do not use a question and answer format for your paper.

At the end of the paper, type the name of the person you interviewed, his/her title, business
address, and phone number. Be sure to send the person a thank you note. 

Problem solving and critical thinking demonstration
Case Study Assignment:
You will analyze a case study on an assigned employee relation issue with a study partner.
You and your study partner will post a presentation of your case study in Angel and write
a 4-5 page paper that is due to the instructor. Follow the directions below to the 3 parts
of this assignment.

Paper: Include in the discussion of the case: a synopsis of the case; the significant points;
the HR implications, impact of the situation on the organization, employee/s, and management;
two possible recommendations; and the anticipated outcome of your recommendations
(also state which of the recommendations you would implement and why). The paper is
different from the presentation and is due to the instructor. The paper is more detailed than
your presentation. This means the completed paper and presentation are different. You
are required to include a minimum of 2 references other than the text book.

Presentation: The presentation may be in an outline format or in PowerPoint. This will 
include a short synopsis of the case, the HR implications, your recommendations for
dealing with the situation, and why you decided on your recommendations. Post the
presentation in Angel.

Evaluate Team Performance: The third part of the team project is to evaluate your own
and your teammates performance. Each student must turn in a description of each team
member's performance. Write 1 - 2 paragraphs about each team member. Since this
evaluation is confidential, you will turn it in to the instructor directly in an email. This part
of the team project is counted as participation points. If you fail to complete the evaluation
or write it without honest reflection, you will lose points.

Your final grade for the course will include how well and how much you participate. Although
we do not meet in the classroom face to face, participation is essential to your learning process.
Writing about and doing what you are studying facilitates effective learning. Since so many
organizations use virtual methods of communicating, the technology we use in this class will help
you prepare for the workplace. If Angel and communicating online is new to you, we will work
together to help each other through the technology. Your participation will be evaluated in
the following ways:

1.      Question and Answer Discussions: There are 11 discussion questions located under
Communicate under Discussion Forum in Angel. The discussions are asynchronous (write
your response to the questions and to other student responses after the date listed on the
syllabus). Click on Communicate in the course software, then click on Discussion Forums
and click on the appropriate discussion question to write in your answer to the question. You
must also respond to at least one other students’ comment/answer to the question.  The dates
of the discussions are scheduled on the course calendar at the end of this syllabus. You are
required to participate in 9 of the 11 sessions, Discussion #11 is required.

2.          Chat room discussions: We will meet online, in the chat room, on the second Wednesday of
each month, from 9 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. to discuss the assigned application case, answer questions
about the subject material, and logistics of the class. These meetings are required. If you have
scheduling conflicts contact the instructor before each chat session to make other arrangements.
It is your responsibility to contact the instructor and ask for a make up assignment. Come to the
chat session with questions about course content and/or assignments.
There are 2 chats in February to introduce you to the process – attend one of the two.

3.          Weekly Check In: You are required to report your progress in the class to the instructor once a
week by email. This is included as part of your participation grade for the course. If you fail to
report in you will lose participation points.

4.          Study Partners (Learning Teams): You will be assigned a study partner. You and your
study partner will work on projects together and act as a resource in your learning.
The instructor will assign study partners by email, about the fourth week of the
semester. You can use the course email, personal email, the chat room, conference calls,
or other methods to communicate with your study partner. Use whatever method that
helps you work together.

5.          You are required to contact your study partner to discuss the methods of
communication you will use to work with each other. One week after you have been
assigned your partner, send the instructor an email to report how you plan to
communicate with your partner.


1.      There is a quiz after every chapter that you will access on the textbook Companion Website
www.prenhall.com/dessler. You are required to complete 12 of the 17 of the quizzes.

2.      The quizzes are due by the date listed on the schedule at the end of the syllabus.

3.      Each quiz is worth 50 points.

Other Important Information:
Assignments are due at the end of the week that they are assigned. The assignments are
listed on the course schedule at the end of this syllabus. For example, the autobiography
assigned for the 1st week of class is due by Saturday night of that week at 11:59 P.M.
Be sure you have a comprehensive virus program to protect yours, mine, and fellow
students' computers from viruses.
Extra credit may be earned by:

1.     Writing more than the 3 required Internet research papers.

2.     Participating in more than the 9 required discussions.

3.     Complete more than the required 12 quizzes. You will receive 20 extra credit points for
each of the additional 3 quizzes you complete.

4.     Journal - 4 to 5 pages discussing your experience during the course that is reflective of
your learning, reaction to, and evaluation of the class. The journal is an experiential learning
tool. You may comment on your personal experiences as they relate to the course. This is
an academic journal, so please write it in a respectful manner that is relevant to the course
content. It should be written on a continuing basis. You may use the format of your choice.

Class rules:

1.     Late work will result in a reduction of your grade.

2.     Plagiarism and/or cheating will result in a fail grade.

3.     Respect confidentiality.

4.     Treat everyone with respect.

5.     Use proper English and professional language at all times.

6.     Follow email etiquette. Proofread your emails to check for spelling, grammar, and
politeness. No profanity, disrespectful jokes or comments, or slurs of any kind are
allowed. Remember once it is written it is never gone.

7.     This is a business course; therefore, the expectation is that you turn in professional
quality work.

8.     Follow class rule 6 for the chat rooms and discussions. Keep all communication

9.     It isn't possible to cover every eventuality. I will attempt to be as fair as possible.
I expect you to respond in an adult manner.

10. The instructor may make changes to the syllabus during the semester. It is the
student's responsibility to stay informed of these changes. Students should contact
the instructor by email or phone. Students may also find a partner whom they can contact
when they miss class.

Tips for students:

1.     Read course materials carefully and follow instructions; this is key to online learning.

2.     All assignments must be completed satisfactorily to pass the course with a "C" grade.

3.     Be thorough in your work.

4.     Spell check, proofread, and watch for grammatical mistakes.

5.     Participation is essential. Discuss the course material and homework assignments on the
discussion board and in chat sessions. I am looking for comments on the subject matter,
which are substantive and show depth of thought.

6.     Papers and presentations should show a synthesis of class discussions, readings,
research, personal learning, observations, opinions, and creativity. If you haven't written
critical thinking papers before, it is recommended that you research on the Internet how to
critically think and write.

7.     Have fun and enjoy the learning process.

Students are required to follow all policies of the college. It is your
responsibility to read and follow the policies.

It is the student's responsibility to add and drop classes. If you neglect to add the
class you will not receive credit. If you neglect to drop the class you will receive a FAIL
grade. Check the college schedule for the last day to add and drop classes.

Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability
should contact me to discuss your specific needs. DESP (Disability & Educational Support
Program) located in the Learning Services building (408-741-2010) may also be contacted to
coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with verifiable documentation.

Unlawful Discrimination/Sexual Harassment
If you have a complaint or someone has shared information with you as a student or
employee that is unlawful discrimination or sexual harassment, contact the Associate
Vice Chancellor of Human Resources at West Valley-Mission Community College District,
Human Resources Department, (408-741-2060). If the Associate Vice Chancellor of
Human Resources is not available, contact the President of the college in which you attend
or are employed. For West Valley College, contact the office of Dr. Philip Hartley at

Student Attendance Policy  (from the WVC Catalog, p. 182)
Students are expected to attend all sessions of each class. Instructors may drop students
from the class if they fail to attend the first class meeting, or when accumulated unexcused
hours of absences exceed ten percent of the total number of hours the class meets
during the semester. Moreover, an instructor may drop from the class any student who
fails to attend at least one class session during the first three weeks of instruction.

Policy on Academic Dishonesty  (from the WVC Catalog, p. 182)
The College's policy on academic dishonesty covers in-class cheating, out-of-class cheating,
plagiarism, and furnishing false information. I strongly encourage you to reference the policy
in the WVC Catalog. A definition of plagiarism is found in the policy. Purdue University
has a website that explains what plagiarism is and how to avoid it, I urge you to read it
carefully. The URL is

Final Exams  (please check the WVC catalog and the final exam schedule
contained in the current schedule of classes)

Course Schedule and Reading Assignments:

The course schedule and assignments are listed below. This is your road map to the
course, so please read it carefully.

*You are required to participate in a minimum of 9 of the 11 discussions
listed under "Discussion Forum"

*You are required to complete 12 of the 17 quizzes:
Quizzes are available on www.prenhall.com/dessler. Click on companion website
for Human Resource Management, 11e, by Dessler, and then click on the corresponding
chapter to access student resources.

Email your completed quiz to pastokke@aol.com. You may use Profile in the
student resources of the Dessler website to store my email address.

·        Quizzes for Chapters 1-4 are due no later than March 10

·        Quizzes for Chapters 5-8 are due no later than April 2

·        Quizzes for Chapters 9-11 are dued no later than April 14

·        Quizzes for Chapters 12-14 are due no later than May 11

·        Quizzes for Chapters 15-17 are due no later than May 22

*You are also required to:

1.     Attend all chats. If you have scheduling conflicts contact the instructor in advance of the
chat to make other arrangements. You lose participation points when you miss a chat
session, so it is important to contact the instructor to ask for makeup assignments.

2.     Complete your autobiography.

3.     Complete 2 Internet papers.

4.     Complete an interview paper with an HR professional
and post a presentation.

5.     Complete the team case study paper and post a presentation.

6.     Contact the instructor once a week to update your progress. You lose 5 points
when you don't contact the instructor.

Syllabus is subject to change.

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