Marine Biology - Study Sheets
Coral ReefsReturn to the Study Guides Index

The following questions will help you to review the material from the lectures and the text.
  1. Is it appropriate to refer to coral reefs as the tropical forests of the marine realm? Explain.
  2. Where do you find coral reefs across the world? Give four different examples.
  3. What proportion of the earth's surface is taken up by coral reefs?
  4. How many of the world's described marine species can be found on the coral reefs of the world?
  5. What is the ecological importance of the coral reefs in terms of the cycling of carbon and calcium?
  6. How does the primary productivity of coral reefs compare to other terrestrial and aquatic biomes?
  7. Can you find corals anywhere or are they restricted to certain marine areas?
  8. Do all corals form reefs? Explain?
  9. In which animal phylum does one encounter the corals?
  10. "Corals are always polyps"! Explain the statement.
  11. "Polyps feed on zooplankton". True or false? Explain.
  12. Do the polyps exhibit any feeding patterns linked to the time of the day? Explain.
  13. Do coral reefs have a "skeleton"? Explain.
  14. Describe the structural relationship between animals and "skeleton". How does the reef form?
  15. Are the polyps connected?
  16. What is the role of zooxanthellae in the formation of coral reefs?
  17. Describe the symbiotic relationship between the polyps and zooxanthellae in detail. How do the different partners benefit from the interaction?
  18. Is this an important interaction from a biological perspective? Why or why not?
  19. Corals within the reefs have interesting shapes. Describe and explain their shapes.
  20. How does the shape of corals benefit the other organisms that live on the reef? Give examples.
  21. What is the difference between hermatypic and ahermatypic corals?
  22. What physical factors limit the distribution of coral reefs across the oceans of the world? Explain the importance of each of the factors in detail (i.e. why does it cause a limit to the distribution).
  23. How does a reef form?
  24. Can corals reproduce asexually? Explain.
  25. Describe how corals reproduce sexually.
  26. What is broadcast spawning?
  27. How does a new reef form?
  28. What are the three major types of reefs? Where are they found and how do they form?
  29. How do these three reef types vary in the distribution of life on them. Explain why there is a difference.
  30. How can an atoll form in the middle of the ocean?
  31. Why are the so many niches on a coral reef?
  32. Describe the different trophic levels on a typical coral reef.
  33. Give five different examples of species found on coral reefs and explain how they differ in their feeding habits.
  34. What is happening to the world's coral reefs? Use the Caribbean as an example.
  35. Why is it difficult to monitor the changes in the reefs?
  36. How do storms affect the reefs? Give three different examples of diseases affecting the reefs across the world.
  37. What is coral bleaching? What is the cause of the phenomenon?
  38. What are the effects of diseases and bleaching on the marine biodiversity on coral reefs? Why?
  39. What is the Crown-of-Thorn Sea Star and how is it linked to coral reefs?
  40. Many reefs are strongly influenced by sedimentation levels? Why? What are the causes of the increased sedimentation levels?
  41. What is dynamite fishing?
  42. Why is cyanide used by some fishermen in the Philippines?
  43. What are the socioeconomic factors behind the use of dynamite and cyanide?
  44. Does the aquarium industry in the United States influence these practices in any way?

West Valley College
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Page created by: Peter Svensson
Updated: December 6,  2008