Biology 18 - Marine Biology

   This non-majors course will give you an opportunity to study the field of marine biology. You will be introduced to the amazing realm of the sea in terms of both physical and biological features. A survey of different types of life forms in the sea (ranging from microbes to invertebrates to sea mammals) will be followed by  studies of different marine communities. You will gain a better understanding of life inhabiting estuaries, sandy and rocky shores, the continental shelf, the open ocean as well as the deep sea. The course will emphasize the complex and fascinating interactions between organisms in these habitats as well as the crucial aspects of protecting marine life.  Marine conservation is one of the many important environmental challenges we face as a society during the first part of the 21st century. To gain hands-on experience in marine biology you will also be required to participate lab exercises as well as field trips. 
Becoming a Marine Biologist?

Course Information:
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Spring Semester 2012
Biology 18 Lecture/Lab: 
Lec MW 9:20-10:45am SM 35; Lab Fri 920-1230pm SM 56
Go to the class site on ANGEL.
Course Syllabus [Full Version]

The complete syllabus contains information about 
the class and its requirements.
Course Schedule


West Valley College
Page created by: Peter Svensson
Updated: January 29,  2012