Biology Department - Faculty - West Valley College


Biology Home 
Roberta Berlani
Leticia Gallardo
Michelle Geary
Cheryl Hackworth
Nathan Norris
Molly Schrey
Christine Stanton
Peter Svensson
Rachel Anderson

My Picture

Molly Schrey
Instructor of Biology

Biology Department 
West Valley Community College 

Office: SM 55J 
Phone: (408) 741-2585 
E-Mail:  [email protected]

Courses Taught at West Valley College
  • Biology 10 - Introduction to Biology
  • Biology 11 - Human Biology
  • Biology 22 - Genetics


 Note:   When sending email - please send it to my West Valley email address (above).  





Every week on Mon, until May 18, 2020, 5 occurrence(s)



Every week on Tue, until May 12, 2020, 4 occurrence(s)



Every week on Thu, until May 14, 2020, 4 occurrence(s)




Class Schedule 

Spring 2020






9:20am - 10:45am

     Bio 11 - Human Biology Lecture  #30713 #30714

 SM 34

T  10:55am - 2:05pm

 Bio11 Lab - Human Biology Laboratory  #30713 

SM 50
T/TH 2:05pm - 3:30pm

Bio 11 FYE - Human Biology Lecture  #30715 

SM 34
T 6:30pm - 9:40pm

Bio 10 - General Biology Lecture  #30700

SM 36
TH 10:55am - 2:05pm

Bio11 Lab - Human Biology Laboratory  #30714

SM 50
TH 6:30pm - 9:40pm

Bio10 Lab - General Biology Laboratory  #30709   w/Jolly

SM 51
F 9:20am - 12:30pm

Bio11 Lab FYE - Human Biology Laboratory  #30715

SM 50


Office Hours:  Spring 2020

8:00 - 9:00am
SM 55J
3:30 - 4:30pm
3:30 - 4:30pm






Wednesdays, 2:30 - 4:00

Thursdays, 4:00 - 5:30



Tuesdays, 11:00 - 12:30

Thursdays, 11:00 - 12:30



Bio 10:  General Biology Home Page
(use for pre-labs)
Bio 11:  Human Biology Home Page
(use for pre-labs)

Adobe Acrobat image     Many of the handouts that you will receive during the semester are available here to download in PDF format [pdf image]. Simply select the item you are interested in and click on the PDF link (you will need Adobe Reader to view and print these documents - get Adobe Reader here (free download).

Bio 11
Human Biology
Bio11 Syllabus #30713/30714 Sp20
 Bio11 Syllabus #30715 Sp20
Bio11 Textbook & Lab Info Sp20
WVC Bookstore website
In this Column:
Chapter Outlines
Lecture Powerpoint
Study Guides
Bio 10 
General Biology
Bio10 M/W Lecture Syllabus Sp20 
Bio10 Lab Syllabus
 Bio10 Textbook Info Sp20
B10 Lab Manual Info Sp20
WVC Bookstore website
In this Column:
Chapter Outlines
Lecture Powerpoint
Study Guides
Bio 22 
Course Syllabus F19
B22 Textbook Info
WVC Bookstore website
In this Column:
Chapter Outlines
Lecture Powerpoint
Study Guides
 Mastering Biology Getting Started Guide
B11 Mastering Biology Registration Instructions
Mastering Bio Mobile App - for practice 

 Mastering Biology Getting Started Guide


B10 Mastering Biology Registration Instructions


Genetic Disorder Project F19

Success Center Spring 2020 Hours TBA


Drop-in Tutoring Bio11 Spring 2020 TBA

Success Center Spring 2020 Hours TBA


Drop-in Tutoring Bio10 Spring 2020 TBA


Links: Genetic Disorders

University of Utah

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Genetics Home Reference (NIH)

 Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)

B11 Ch. 1 Outline

B11 Ch.1 PP

B11 Exam 1: Study Guide Ch.1

B10 Ch.1 Outline

B10 Ch.1 PP

B10 Exam 1: Study Guide Ch. 1

B22 Ch. 1 Outline

B22 Ch. 1 PP

B22 Exam 1: Study Guide Ch. 1 

Lab #1:  Microscopes

Article: The Return of Eugenics

B11 Ch. 2 Outline

B11 Ch.2 PP

B11 Exam 1: Study Guide Ch. 2


B10 Ch.2 Outline

B10 Ch.2 PP

B10 Exam 1: Study Guide Ch.2


B22 Ch. 2 Outline

B22 Ch. 2 PP

B22 Exam 1: Study Guide Ch. 2 

Lab #2: Cell Division

Article: Sperm Counts and Fertility

B11 Ch.3 Outline

B11 Ch.3 PP

B11 Exam 1: Study Guide  Ch. 3



B10 Ch.3 Outline

B10 Ch.3 PP

B10 Exam 1: Study Guide Ch.3 


B22 Ch. 3 Outline

B22 Ch. 3 PP

B22 Exam 1: Study Guide Ch. 3 

Lab #3: Hypothesis Testing: Genetic Corn

Lab #4: Fruit Fly Lab

B11 Ch. 4 Outline

B11 Ch.4 PP

B11 Exam 1: Study Guide Ch 4. 

B10 Ch.4&5 Outline

B10 Ch.4&5 PP Membrane function

B10 Exam 1: Study Guide Ch.4&5 

B22 Ch.4 Outline

B22 Ch.4 PP

B22 Exam 2: Study Guide Ch.4

Lab #5 Pedigree Analysis 

Lab #6 Linked Genes and Gene Mapping

Article: Genetic Counseling

B11 Ch. 17A Outline

B11 Ch. 17A PP

B11 Exam 2: Study Guide Ch. 17A

B11 Ch.17A PP BenB

B10 Ch.4 Outline

B10 Ch.4 PP

B10 Exam 1: Study Guide Ch.4 




B10 Ch6&7 Outline

B10 Ch6&7 PP

B10 Exam 2: Study Guide Ch.6&7

B22 Ch.5 Outline

B22 Ch.5 PP

B22 Exam 2: Study Guide Ch.5

Lab #7 Polygenic Inheritance: Fingerprint Analysis (Will hand out in class)

B11 Ch. 17B Outline

B11 Ch. 17B PP

B11 Exam 2: Study Guide Ch. 17B


PP Lab #6

B10 Ch.8 Outline

B10 Ch.8 PP

B10 Exam 2: Study Guide Ch.8 

B22 Ch.6 Outline

B22 Ch.6 PP

B22 Exam 2: Study Guide Ch.6

Lab #8 Karyotyping

B11 Ch. 18 Outline

B11 Ch. 18 PP

B11 Exam 2: Study Guide Ch. 18

B10 Ch.10 Outline

B10 Ch.10 PP

B10 Exam 2: Study Guide Ch.10 


B22 Ch.7 Outline

B22 Ch.7 PP

B22 Exam 2: Study Guide Ch.7



 B11 Ch. 20

B11 Ch. 20 PP

B11 Exam 2: Study Guide Ch.20

B11 Ch.20 PP Sp20

B10 Ch. 9 Outline

B10 Ch.9 PP

B10 Exam 2: Study Guide Ch.9 

Additional genetics practice

B22 Ch.8 Outline

B22 Ch.8&9 PP

B22 Exam 3: Study Guide Ch.8

Lab #9 DNA Structure & Protein Synthesis  

B11 Ch. 19

B11 Ch. 19 PP

B11 Exam 2: Study Guide Ch. 19

B10 Ch. 11 Outline

B10 Ch.11 PP

B10 Exam 2: Study Guide Ch.11

 (This section follows the powerpoint and outline closely, rather than the B10 textbook)

B22 Ch.9 Outline 

B22 Exam 3: Study Guide Ch.9

B11 Ch. 8 and 7

B11 Ch 8 and 7 PP

B11 Exam 3: Study Guide Ch 8 and 7

B10 Ch. 12 Outline

B10 Ch.12 PP

B10 Exam 3: Study Guide Ch.12


B22 Ch.11 Outline

B22 Ch.11 PP

B22 Exam 3: Study Guide Ch.11

 Article:  DNA Replication and Causes of Mutation

TED Talk:  Epigenetics

B11 Ch. 9

B11 Ch. 9 PP

B11 Exam 3: Study Guide Ch. 9 

B10 Ch. 26 Outline

B10 Ch.26 PP

B10 Exam 3: Study Guide Ch.26 


B22 Ch.12 Outline

B22 Ch.12 PP

B22 Exam 3: Study Guide Ch.12


B11 Ch. 10

B11 Ch. 10 PP

B11 Exam 3: Study Guide Ch. 10 

B10 Ch. 22 Outline

B10 Ch.22 PP

B10 Exam 3: Study Guide Ch.22  

Lab #10 Recombinant DNA Technology 

Lab#10a Transformation Report Sheet

B22 Ch.13 Outline

B22 Ch.13 PP

B22 Exam 3: Study Guide Ch.13

B11 Ch. 14

B11 Ch. 14 PP

B11 Exam 3: Study Guide Ch. 14 

B10 Ch. 23 Outline

B10 Ch.23 PP

B10 Exam 3: Study Guide Ch.23 


B22 Ch.14 Outline

B22 Ch.14 PP

B22 Exam 3: Study Guide Ch.14

Lab#11 DNA Fingerprinting/Profiling

B11 Ch, 16 and 21

B11 Ch, 16 and 21 PP

B11 Exam 4: Study Guide Ch. 16 and 21

B10 Ch. 13 Outline

B10 Ch.13 PP

B10 Ch. 14  PP

B10 Exam 4: Study Guide Ch. 13

B10 Exam 4: Study Guide Ch. 14 

B22 Ch.17 Outline

B22 Ch. 17 PP

B22 Exam 4: Study Guide Ch. 17

Lab #13 Blood Typing and ELISA

Article:  Gut Bug enzyme and blood type

Blood Type and Severity of Diarrhea

B11 Ch. 11

B11 Ch. 11 PP

B11 Exam 4: Study Guide Ch. 11

B10 Ch. 18_19 Outline

B10 Ch. 18_19 PP

B10 Exam 4: Study Guide Ch. 18_19 

B22 Ch. 19 Outline

B22 Ch. 19 PP

B22 Exam 4: Study Guide Ch. 19 

Population Genetics and Modern Human Evolution

B11 Ch. 5

B11 Ch. 5 PP

B11 Exam 4: Study Guide Ch. 5

B10 Ch. 20 Outline

B10 Ch. 20 PP

B10 Exam 4: Study Guide Ch. 20 





Notes:   When sending email - please send it to my West Valley email address (above).  


Bio 22:  Welcome to Fall 19 Genetics - class info can be found here.





Bio 10: Welcome to General Biology Lab.  Class updates can be found here.

Bio10 Lecture_Sp20 Grades-to-Date



Bio 11: Hello all Bio 11 Students.  You'll find pertinent class information and updates in this space.

Bio11 TuesLab_ Sp20 Grades-to-Date

Bio11 ThursLab_Sp20 Grades-to-Date

Bio11 FriLab_Sp20 Grades-to-Date










Video Links 

 Welcome B11




20 Things

Scientific Method 


Is it Alive?


Peacock Spider


Energy P and K


How we learn


Chemistry and Energy: Carbon (Crash Course)


Ionic vs. Covalent Bonds


Properties of water


pH - Ricochet Science


Biological Molecules (Crash course)


BioMolecules (Amoeba Sisters)


Biological Molecules (Bozeman Science)


passive vs. active transport (overview)


Cell Transport (Amoeba Sisters)


Membrane Transport (Crash Course)


cell movement


Practice Exam#1PP


4 Tissue Types & Nervous, Muscle (Crash Course)


Tissues Epithelial


Tissues Connective Pt.1


Tissues Connective Pt.2


DNA Packaging (making chromosomes) 


Cell Cycle and Mitosis




DNA Structure and Replication


DNA Structure and Replication2


DNA Replication (Amoeba Sisters)


RNAi (w/protein synthesis)


RNAi (long version)


Protein Synthesis


Practice Q  Exam #2 Su


Practice B10 #2


Restriction Enzymes


Restriction Enzymes - Recombinant Plasmids


PCR - Polymerase Chain Reaction


CRISPR -Overview


CRISPR - Bozeman Science


CRISPR - 5 Level Explanations




Cancer Overview








New Cancer Treatments


Why haven't we cured cancer?




Ted Talk - GMO Foods


Genetically modified Papaya


Genetically modified foods - Bill Nye


NOVA: Cracking the Code - The Human Genome Project






Blood_Blood types - Crash Course


Blood Typing Game


Practice: Exam #3


circulatory system (review)


NOVA -Heart attack


NOVA - Immune System - Climber




NOVA - Immune System - Flu


NatGeo 101 - Flu


Coronavirus Info


NatGeo 101 - How Flu virus attacks


 smallpox vaccination


Bio-RAD link


NatGeo 101 - Lungs


#4 PPQuestions


Labor and Delivery


 Nervous Function


sympathetic response - animals


Nerve Structure


NatGeo - The Brain101


NOVA - Digestive System


TED ED How Digestive System Works


Digestive System


Digestive System - Crash Course


Overview - Respiration/Ventilation


Respiratory System I  -Crash Course


Respiratory System II - Crash Course

(0:00 - 2:00)


Breathing vs. Respiration 

(1:12 - 5:07)


Cellular Respiration - Amoeba Sisters


Cellular Respiration - Bozeman Science



 Cellular Respiration  - Crash Course



Crash Course - Skeletal System I


Crash Course - Joints 


Exam #5 PP Practice




 Genetic Drift


 Pingelap: Island of the Colorblind


Speciation: Reproductive Isolation 


 Community Interactions


 Predator Prey




Wolf Impact on Ecosystems


Whale impact on Ecosystems

Mother's Day message

   Cal Academy: Earth Habitat

How to Benefit Your Brain
How I learn

West Valley College Logo  
Biology Home Button
Page created by: Molly Schrey
Updated Jan.4,2020
last published: 5/11/20