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Biology 10 Course Information Lab Schedule  Fall 2015
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 Bio 10 Lecture

  MW 7:45-9:10 am

SM 36
Office Hours

  MW9:15-10:05 am

SM 55D

Course Textbook:
Biology Science for Life Colleen Belk and Virginia Borden Maier 5e (2016) Pearson


"Within 24 hours, you will forget at least half of what was said in the lecture"

(Ace Center St. Charles Community College).

How to Take Effective Notes

One of the stated Student Learningt Outcomes for this section is to focus on how you take notes in lecture and to work on how to improve the quality of lecture notes you take. Time spent on this skill will reap rewards not only in this class but in all other classes.

The West Valley College Tutorial Center has resources that exemplify how  notes should be taken in lecture and how to write up these notes making them into valuable learning tools. There is some degree of overlap between different sources (which suggests that the points repeated are worth repeating....), but notive that they all feature the same basic routine:

1. Come prepared
2. Take notes using a system that you understand
3. Write up your notes adding in details and filling in blanks within 24 hours of lecture..

St. Charles Community College
Cornell Note Taking Method
Cornell Note Taking Rubric

C�mo Tomar Apuntes en Clase

Good Listening in Class

Lecture Note Guide featuring examples and rubric

Exam Dates
Practice Exam (Due September 14 at 7:45am)
Midterm 1 9/28
Midterm 2 10/26
Midterm 311/16
Final 12/14


Make Up Exam Policy

If you know that you will be out of town, or otherwise cannot make one of the class midterms due to a prior commitment you must inform me in writing at least one week before the date.

If you miss one of the three class midterms, the missing grade will be calculated as the average grade of the other two class midterms. If you miss two midterms, the average will be calculated using one of the missed midterms. However, you will still need to provide a written explanation as to why you missed the midterm, and to request to make up the midterm grade. Documentation will be requested to support your request.

Handouts .doc
Lecture Syllabus

  Many of the handouts that you will receive during the semester are available here to download in PDF format. Simply select the item you are interested in and click on the PDF link (you will need Adobe Reader to view and print these documents - get Adobe Reader here (free download).
