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Lecture: Tues 6:30- 9:40PM Synchronous
Lab: Thurs 7:30- 8:30PM (synchronous), Asynchronous
Lecture: Leticia Gallardo Office: SM 55H Phone: 408-741-2416
Instructor Webpage: http://instruct.westvalley.edu/gallardo
Office Hours: MW 11:30-12:30pm; T 1:00-2:00pm; T 6:00-6:30pm; by appt
Laboratory: Rebecca Bailey Office: N/A
Office Hours: via Zoom Thurs 7-7:30pm, or by appt
e-mail: rebecca.bailey@wvm.edu
Embedded Tutor: Kelly Johnson
Office Hours: TBD email: kjohn185@mywvm.wvm.edu
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this course. However, students are expected to read and write at the college level and know sufficient mathematics to use and understand graphs and charts.
Important Dates Holidays:
Last day to Add…………………………….…Sep 12 Labor Day…………..….………………...Sept 6
Last day to drop without a “W” ……. Sep 12 Veterans Day Holiday (WVC).……Nov 12
Last day to drop with a “W”………..... Nov 18 Thanksgiving…………………………....Nov 25-26
General Description:
Biol 011- Human Biology is a 3-unit lecture and 1-unit lab course accepted by both UC (area 5B) & Cal State University Systems (area B2). This course is an introductory biology course that uses humans as a model for understanding and applying the principles and concepts of biology. The basic knowledge of biology gained in this course will allow you to make educated decisions about your body and health related issues, as well as a variety of other biological issues that will likely come up during your life. The class combination consists of both lecture and laboratory components. The lectures will introduce you to the principles of human biology while labs are designed to reinforce lecture material by using interactive experiments.
Course Expectations:
The lecture component of this course meets for 3 hours per week (synchronous online) and the laboratory will meet for 1 hour per week (synchronous online) and 2 hours per week (asynchronous online). In addition to the scheduled class meetings, plan on spending additional study and homework time. To get the most out of this class you should expect to devote study time outside of class. The amount of time you spend in and outside of class will, in a large part, determine how well you do in the course. Students are expected to attend and participate in all lectures and lab activities. Any student absent from 4 or more class sessions (lecture and/or lab session) may be dropped from the course by the instructor. Students are encouraged to remain active participants in class. Class involvement will not only make the course more interesting, but will also facilitate student understanding, learning and retention. All students are expected to arrive to class on time, having reviewed the related material relevant to lectures or lab activities.
Disruptive conduct in lecture is unacceptable. This includes late arrivals, disruptive or disrespectful talk, ringing cell phones, pagers and ipod use. Please be sure to mute your audio during Zoom sessions unless you are actively asking a question or participating in an activity. Disruptive students will be asked to leave and will lose participation points. Continued disruptive behavior will result in disciplinary action. Students violating conduct or academic integrity policies will lose any extra credit points offered/earned. *Respect. Be respectful of the environment and of your classmates and instructor.
Land Acknowledgment:
We pause to acknowledge that West Valley College sits on the land of the Ohlone and the Muwekma people. For thousands of years, these natives occupied this land and used this beautiful location as their home. Let us give an enormous debt of gratitude to the Ohlone and Muwekma tribes. By offering this Land Acknowledgment, we remember that the Ohlone and Muwekma people are still connected to this region.
WVC Non-discrimination Statement:
The district, and each individual who represents the District, shall provide access to its services, courses, and programs without regard to national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sex, race, ethnicity, color, medical condition, genetic information, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, pregnancy, or military and veteran status, or because he/she/they is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
Health/ Stress Management:
All of us benefit from support during times of struggle. You are not alone. There are helpful resources available on campus and an important part of the college experience is learning how to ask for help. Asking for help is a smart and courageous, albeit sometimes difficult, thing to do- for yourself and for those who care about you. If you or anyone you know is experiencing any academic stress, difficult life events, or feelings like anxiety or depression, I strongly encourage you to seek support. You may reach out to your instructor for guidance to campus resources or contact West Valley College Health Services for free confidential personal counseling. Call 408-741-2027, drop by the Health Services office M-Th 9:00 am- 4:30 pm. http://www.westvalley.edu/services/counseling Additionally, the Office of Student Needs offers student support in the form of the Computer Loan, Emergency Loans, Free Lunch & the Food Bank Programs. https://www.westvalley.edu/services/student-needs/
Special Accommodations:
If you have a learning or physical need that will require special accommodations in this class you will need to notify me in writing of your accommodation needs. Please notify me following the first class if you require any special accommodations for learning or physical impairments. This will allow me to best meet your needs and allow us ample opportunity to provide suitable accommodations. West Valley College makes reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students with DESP accommodations must adhere to guidelines set by their specified accommodation, which includes discussing and scheduling any accommodation with the instructor in advance (minimum of 48hrs). Depending on accommodation exams may be proctored live on Zoom with DESP personnel and should be scheduled at the same time as scheduled for the class. DESP Rescheduling of exams and assignments remains in the purview of the instructor. College materials will be available in alternate formats (Braille, audio, electronic format, or large print) upon request. Please contact the Disability and Educational Support Program at (408) 741-2010 (voice) or (408) 741-2658 (TTY) for assistance.
Attendance is mandatory for student success. State & district policy mandates that students missing more than 10% of class hours without a district approved documented absence will be dropped- this is roughly equivalent to 4 class periods. Missing this much class is very detrimental to success in the course, so it is not advised to miss this much class time if you would like to be successful. It is the student’s responsibility to attend ALL classes. Classes will start on time and will run the entire time. schedule doctor appointments, dental appointments, baby sitters etc. accordingly. If you are absent for any reason, please notify me as soon as possible. If a student misses a lecture, it is his/her/their responsibility to obtain any handouts and information provided. Again, if a student is absent from more than four class sessions he/she/they will be DROPPED from the course. A portion of your grade will be determined by your in-class participation, so it is important that you attend all class sessions to earn all possible points. Students repeatedly missing class forfeit any and all extra credit points.
Withdrawing from the Course:
Anyone not present in the beginning of the semester will be dropped. After the first class it is the responsibility of the student who registered to withdraw, even if he/she/they has stopped attending class. Do not assume that if you stop coming to class that you will automatically be dropped. Students who fail to attend but do not inform the instructor and officially drop the course will receive a failing grade.
This course will have active website pages which can be used to review lecture schedule and general class policies throughout the semester. This section has an instructor webpage designed to provide students information relevant to the course. Instructor’s syllabus with polices and lecture PowerPoint presentations will be made available to students weekly. These materials are highly beneficial to focusing your study time and if used properly will aid in your success in this course. Please keep in mind these resources are a privilege and not a right and may be discontinued at the instructor’s discretion. Students are also responsible for logging into the Canvas webpage daily to complete any homework assignments and check for course announcements or email updates. http://instruct.westvalley.edu/leticia-gallardo/
Students are also responsible for logging into the course learning management system- Canvas webpage to submit homework/ assignments, take exams, check announcements and email updates relevant to the course. It is advised that students check this webpage daily. You will need to login to Canvas using your username and password. Instructions for logging on are provided on the following webpage. https://wvm.instructure.com/login/canvas
Study Time:
For each hour spent in class, students should expect to spend at least 2 to 3 hours outside of class studying in order to achieve an average grade (C). (Note this estimate is for the average student to earn an average grade for this class is 12 – 18 hours per week!) You should find yourself studying, reviewing and preparing for class and lab each day of the week!
Note: Be careful not to confuse quantity studying with quality study. Simply spending time with your books and materials will not earn you a better grade. Only hours of directed, motivated studying will work toward earning you a better grade! As you instructor, I am here to facilitate your learning by presenting the material and assisting in your understanding. I will do as much as I can to help you, but ultimately it is you who will earn your final grade!
Students report feeling like they have less time with online courses due to having to self-pace and work without in-class accountability. Please be forewarned- on average, students need to spend 4 hours of “in” class time weekly Zoom, as well as, time to complete lab activities, participate in class discussions, assignments, reviewing Powerpoints, study guides, and the text, in addition to studying.
Academic Integrity:
Academic integrity is MANDATORY. The college policy on cheating is clearly spelled out in the college catalogue and will be strictly enforced. Use of any method other than your knowledge and memory (such as notes, looking on other student papers, communication between students, using internet browsing, etc.) to answer questions on an assignment/exam/quiz constitutes cheating and will result in failure of the assignment/exam/quiz. Dishonest behavior also includes: all forms of cheating, tampering, fabrication, plagiarism, and assisting on any assignment/exam/quiz. This means that ALL YOUR WORK MUST BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS AND BASED ON YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE. Copying from other students, textbooks, sites like Chegg or other internet or published sources are all considered dishonest behavior. Any student caught exhibiting dishonest behavior will be appropriately reprimanded. Therefore, be proactive; keep your work to yourself and be sure that all work is your own, and in your own words. This includes any assigned group activities, while you may be working as a team, you must all participate and summaries or reports must be completed individually, in your own words. Any students caught or implicated in dishonest behavior will be appropriately reprimanded. Students will receive an AUTOMATIC ZERO on that assignment/exam/quiz and all dishonest behavior will be reported to the Vice President of Student Services and will undergo review by the Disciplinary Action Committee. Resulting disciplinary action may include one or more of the following: academic probation, suspension, expulsion from the district colleges, and academic dishonesty transcript notation. Testing procedures & policies are detailed below. Students violating conduct or academic integrity policies will lose any extra credit points offered/earned. Students caught cheating will also forfeit any and all extra credit points.
Due to several incidents of cheating very strict testing procedures will be enforced!
If circumstance precludes you from adhering to these policies you must speak to your instructor PRIOR to the exams.
Lecture Format: Lectures will be used to present, clarify, and expand on information which is presented in your text and assigned articles and homework. Although we will follow a typical lecture format, class participation and involvement are encouraged. If, during lecture, you have a question raise your hand or send a chat and I will try to answer when appropriate. You are required to know all of the information presented in the class lectures whether the material is in the text or not. Lectures will be presented synchronously on ZOOM. Your attendance and participation are mandatory and you should plan your schedule accordingly.
Lab Format: The points you earn in lab will account for 25% of your overall grade, and will consist of quizzes, lab reports, and participation points. Lab day is Thursday, and synchronous Zoom meetings will occur from 7:30-8:30pm on Thursdays. We may do portions of the lab in groups during these meetings. You are responsible for finishing the lab on your own according to the instructions. Most lab materials will be provided, however some fresh items may need to be purchased for select lab activities. Lab reports (found in course lab manual) will be completed, scanned and submitted on Canvas. Warning: failure of lab portion will automatically result in failure of the course. Furthermore, if you miss 2 labs (or in this online format, fail to submit 2 labs), you will have missed 10% of the lab component for the class. Any more than 2 missed labs and you will be dropped from the course!
COMPUTER PROBLEMS ARE NOT A REASONALBLE EXCUSE for not attending class or submitting assignments on time. You should use a reliable computer and Wi-Fi when completing your assignments. Contact the office of student needs for assistance with obtaining reliable computer or internet access. https://www.westvalley.edu/library/textbooks-and-technology.html
Participation: 5% Participation will be evaluated through attendance records and participation & performance in Zoom class meetings. Some ways in which to earn participation points are: 1) completing class activities; 2) attending class; 3) participation in discussions; 4) being preparation for in-class activities; 5) constructive behavior in class.
Homework & quizzes: 20% A variety of assignments and lecture quizzes given throughout the course to reinforce concepts covered in lecture. The goal of these assignments is to enhance the student learning experience and promote scientific literacy and responsible citizenship. You will be responsible for completing assignments independently according to the instructions provided during class Zoom meetings. Assignments and quizzes will be accessible on Canvas. You may be completing assignments directly on Canvas or write your responses on a document which you will submit on Canvas. Once completed you will be responsible for scanning any written assignments as a single document and submitting it through Canvas. You may need a scanning app such as “notes” or “genius scan” to scan hand written or drawn assignments. Students are responsible for checking the Canvas webpage for assignment updates. Students should expect a minimum of 10 homework assignments for the semester. Late work will lose 10% of the point value per day (including weekends). Late work will be accepted for partial credit up to 5 days late. No late work will be accepted after the last day of active class. Pop quizzes may be given at any time during the lecture. There are no make-up quizzes. SO BE IN CLASS, BE ON TIME!!
COMPUTER PROBLEMS ARE NOT A REASONALBLE EXCUSE for not submitting assignments on time. You should use a reliable computer and Wifi when completing your assignments. Contact the office of student needs for assistance with obtaining reliable computer or internet access. https://www.westvalley.edu/library/textbooks-and-technology.html
Exams: Exams will comprise 75% of the student’s lecture points. Exams will be timed and administered on Canvas.
Students are responsible for all material presented in lecture. The exams may consist of a combination of multiple choice, matching, short answer, and labeling questions. Attendance of scheduled exams is mandatory. There are NO make-up exams. Failure to attend an exam will result in a zero grade for the exam. Exams scores will not be dropped or substituted. Exams will begin promptly at the beginning of lecture. Please arrive on time and note that you will not receive extra time to compensate a late arrival. All students must take the final exam during the assigned time period. Note: Please write legibly, coherently, and in your own words- my standard policy is if I can’t read it, it’s wrong! If it doesn’t make sense, it’s wrong!
Periodically I will post your grades. This gives you the opportunity to confirm where you stand in the course, if you are missing any work or if I have made any errors recording your grades. Be sure to look it over. If you have any questions regarding any grade you receive and/or the grading method please feel free to talk to me.
COMPUTER PROBLEMS ARE NOT A REASONALBLE EXCUSE for not submitting exams on time You should use a reliable computer and Wifi when completing your exams. Contact the office of student needs for assistance with obtaining reliable computer or internet access. https://www.westvalley.edu/library/textbooks-and-technology.html
Extra Credit: If you are having trouble please come see me and we can discuss possible alterations in your current study practices that may help improve your performance. Any extra credit points offered are void if a students violate class policies such as; excessive absences, arriving late, leaving early, cheating, lack of participation, etc.
A 4- unit combined grade will be given for the lecture and lab grade.
Lecture (75% overall grade)
Homework & Assignments…………………...….15%
Laboratory (25% overall grade)
Lab Quizzes…………………………………….………10%
Labs/Lab Participation………………………....…15%
Your final course grade will be based on the following scale:
A (90-100%), B (80-89%), C (65-79%), D (55-65%), F (below 55%)
Office Hours: Gallardo: MW 11:30-12:30pm; T 1:00-2:00pm; T 6:00-6:30pm; by appt
Bailey: Th 7-7:30pm, or by appt
Johnson: TBD
Form study groups: your fellow classmates are a valuable resource
Support Services: Please take advantage of the support services on campus- They are here to help you! Services contact information is listed below
Tutoring: Tutorial Services: All students are eligible for free on campus tutoring. If you wish to get help you MUST make the commitment to attend any scheduled tutorial sessions. If any student misses 2 non-cancelled tutorial sessions they will be dropped from the program. https://www.westvalley.edu/services/success-center/
Important Phone Numbers:
Life threatening emergency- Campus phone…………………..9-911 Counseling Center…………………741-2009
Student Health Services on campus……… ……………………….741-2027 Bookstore………………………………741-2015
Safety Escort Service (Campus Police) ……………………….…741-2092 Technology Center……………….741-2666
Science and Math Division office ……………………………………741-2018 Success Center………..……….….741-2038
Extended Opportunity Programs & Service (EOPS)…….741-2023
Disability & Educational Support Program (DESP)……….741-2010
Tentative Lecture & Lab Schedule
Wk |
Date |
Lecture Topic |
Date |
Lab |
Chapter |
1 |
8/31 |
Introduction/ Scientific Inquiry |
9/02 |
Lab 2: Microscopes |
1 |
2 |
9/7 |
Chemistry & Molecules |
9/09 |
Lab 1: Scientific Inquiry |
2 |
3 |
9/14 |
Molecules |
9/16 |
Lab 3: Membrane Transport |
2 |
4 |
9/21 |
Cell Structure & Cell Function |
9/23 |
Lab 4: Cells & Tissues |
3, 4 |
5 |
9/28 |
EXAM 1; Cell Reproduction: Mitosis & Meiosis |
9/30 |
Lab 5: Cell Division |
17 |
6 |
10/05 |
DNA Structure & Function |
10/07 |
Lab 6: DNA Structure & Function |
17 |
7 |
10/12 |
Biotechnology, Inheritance |
10/14 |
Lab 7: Biotechnology |
19 |
8 |
10/19 |
EXAM 2; Inheritance |
10/21 |
Lab 8: Inheritance |
19 |
9 |
10/26 |
Cardiovascular System & Respiration System |
10/28 |
Lab 9: Cardiovascular & Respiratory |
8, 10 |
10 |
11/02 |
Immune System |
11/04 |
Lab 10: Immune System |
9 |
11 |
11/09 |
Digestion System |
11/11 |
Lab 11: Enzymes & Digestion |
14 |
12 |
11/16 |
EXAM 3; Digestion System |
11/18 |
Lab 12: Nutrition & Fitness |
13 |
11/23 |
Skeletal & Muscular Systems |
11/25 |
Thanksgiving Holiday |
5 |
14 |
11/30 |
Reproduction System |
12/02 |
Lab 14: Reproduction |
16, 21 |
15 |
12/07 |
Reproduction & Nervous System |
12/09 |
Lab 15: Human Anatomy |
11 |
12/14 |
Comprehensive Final Exam Tues 6:30-8:30 pm |