Have you ever wondered how much MIS majors earn right out of college?
The answers to this and many other professions are here at Abbott and
Langer. With the partnership of over 700 organizations, Abbott and Langer
provide the latest statistics and information on how much these industry
employees are earning. Find out who is making the big bucks! |
The occupational outlook handbook looks deeper into the career
potiential of Management Information Systems. Instead of just looking
for the yearly statistics of how much people earn, this website focuses
on three major fields: engineering, science, and information system managers.
They focus on what the qualifications are to be in that certain field,
what the job outlook is, what training is involved, and many others. The
website also offers many helpful links to other occupational fields such
as sales, administration support, and marketing. After checking out this
website, you'll find out more about the main aspects of MIS, as well as
find out what's involved in the other careers in the business world. |
Careercity is a website geared towards finding that
job that will be the next step in your career. This website would be
perfect for people in the MIS industry who want to find a full time
job or to find an internship. Like most career based sites, you can
put up your resume for free so that organizations can look over your
qualifications. They also include salary information and tips on how
to do well in the job interview.
America's Career Infonet
America's Career Infonet is website worth checking out because it offers
employee information, as well as an extensive career resource library
online. From resume information to relocation information, it has over
4200 links to career resources, this is a site you will need to visit
more than once. |
With websites such as, and taking most of the
show, some other providers such as are sometimes forgotten. is very through in helping you search for your ideal job.
You can also browse through their site to find the local job fairs. If
you are looking for a great job related to information technology, this
is definitely one of the place you should post your resume. |
Jobhunters Bible
Continuing on with helpful websites to take advantage of after college,
the jobhunters bible is helpful because it incorporates tech industry
information. But what makes this site unique is the writer of the site.
The writer states that contact information after college is vital in finding
the perfect job you want. After reading his article, you will find out
how to keep up with your contacts and help you in finding your ideal job.
This website, Course Technology is a simple website that focuses on information
technology jobs. It starts off with a glossary page with IT related links,
then it branches to different information technology descriptions. The
five that they focus on are programming, pc support, database, and administrator
and programmer analyst. |
Riley Guide
The rileyguide, written by Margaret Dikel, is a helpful resource when
searching for a job. Although they do not post resumes, they will give
you insightful information about how to find your ideal job. |
This page gives you great advice on how to be successful during a job
interview. You can also get tips on how to be successful in the business
world and your personal life. |
Graduating Engineer
This site gives you insight on different engineering careers by both recent
and non-recent graduates in their new careers. Along with the insights
of different careers, this website also focuses on industries and future
trends. They also offer good tips on job hunting techniques.
popular national career search enginees:
search worldwide jobs, personalize career tools, and find employees. |
jobs listings for college students and recent graduates. Partners with many
college career centers nationwide. |
offers jobs listed by company, industry, worldwide location, and salary.
Local job hunting sites:
San Jose State University-Career Center:
Jobs and Internships an excellently maintained site with easy-to search
classified ads; one of the best sources for technical jobs in bay area.
JobStar SF Newspaper
Looking for a job or planning a career in the SAN FRANCISCO
Bay Area? You're in the right place for LOCAL job openings, career assistance
and information.
San Jose Mercury News
Offer bay area job search, find a job near you! |
last updated May 13, 2003 |