
Keep up with the latest technology news and trends! Provide discussion topic and forum from general interest to expert advice. If you need to gather more information, this is a recommended site to look up.


Tech Web

A very in depth site dealing with trends and news in the IT fields. There are also many assorted articles dealing with careers trends and technology issues.


This site caters to the IT professional with links and articles relevant to their specific careers. If you want to get the details and want to know about almost everything that is going on in the IT field, you need to spend some serious time at this site.

IS World

Not only does this site deal with industry trends in America, it also deals with IT trends around the world. If you wanted to research IT trends in Japan, it's right at your fingers.This site gives you links to sites that deal with IT information in different geographical regions of the world. Along with those links are links to education resources, IT activities, and other technology related sites.

Information Week

Not only does this site contain the regular information you would expect in an IT site, it also contains many articles discussing how new hardware and software can be used to solve business problems. What I found interesting about this site were their articles about workplace trends. This is valuable because it goes into detail about what is actually happening in the workplace instead of just focusing on a particular industry or field.

Tech Republic

One of the best sites for IT information. They have everything from Q and A pages to discussion boards that deal with any technical issue. What is ingenious about this site is that they have different pages you can surf relevant to your interests. There are different areas depending whether you are an IT manager, CIO, net adminsitrator, developer, and so on.


Ever wondered what a technical word means? This site contains definitions of technical words that are used in the IT industry. Along with the keywords are journals that have to deal with trends and issues in the IT industry. Now you can drop "buzzwords" with the best of them.

Enterprise Resouce Planning

If you are interested in Enterprise Resource Planning, this site is great to browse because they list the actual steps on how to implement ERP in your business. Along with the 10 different steps are questions that you need to consider to determine if you or your company are ready for this process. You can also find out how other managers are implementing, running, and managing ERP in their corporations.

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page last updated May 13, 2003