General Biology - Biology 10
Home Page - Spring 2020

Instructor : Christine Peters-Stanton
Biology Department)                                                                                                                 Biology Home Page
Office : SM 55G                                                                                                                          Instructor Home Page
Phone : (408) 741 - 2626
Email : [email protected]

Lecture Schedule
Lab Schedule
Lecture Outlines. 
Syllabus Quiz Due Feb. 5th Wed
Bio10 Lab site

Date Posted Message

Temporary “in person course” suspension

Hello to all of my students,

With the growing risk of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) spreading, West Valley College has decided to suspend all in person teaching starting March 11 through April 5th.  As a result the college is proceeding to move the majority of instruction to an online format.  For lecture content, this will likely take the form of lectures with an audio component and video links that can be viewed at home.  The college is currently discussing how lab courses and other classes that cannot easily moved into an online format will be taught.  The biology department is planning on meeting this Thursday to discuss how to proceed in lab courses.  Although not ideal, we are all committed to providing the best possible instruction. 

I am not yet sure how course content will be pushed out to my students, but it will likely be through either Canvas and or our course website.  I will try to keep all of my students informed through my website and Canvas. 

The college is anticipating courses that need to be moved online to do so between March 16 – 23rd.  I am hoping to start pushing out content prior to the 16th. 

Please stay alert for updates, as we are continuing to learn more from the Chancellor’s Office as well as federal, state and local officials. 

I hope to see all of you soon! 


In the meantime the college is providing the following services to WVC students:

·         In the Canvas course shell, Net Tutor is a free online tutoring platform.  Tutors are available for many subject areas.

·         Counseling is planning to use Cranium Café for online counseling to the degree possible. Please see and updates on when that is available.

·         Library resources are still available through the library website

·         The library, Math Resource Center, and Success Center will still be open for student use

·         Computer labs on campus will be made available for students who have no access to computers or wifi at their home

·         Student services will still offer services in person on campus

Sorry - I have to cancel class today 3/9/20 (Monday).  Be prepared for a quiz Wednesday 3/11/20 on photosynthesis and cell respiration.

In preparation of class on Wednesday Please watch the videos on Gene Expression by Amoeba Sisters : Cell division : Mitosis; Cell Division: Meiosis
Grades Posted Above:

Course Average: 79%
Exam 1 Class Average 79%

Biology 10 : Lecture Homework #1 : Due Day of 1st Exam (2/26)

For each youtube clip please provide the URL with your homework

1. Find a youtube or other video clip covering the characteristics that are used to define life. 
     After watching the clip:
          A. list or describe the qualities that define living organisms. 
          B. Explain why the virus is not considered to be alive (just yet).

2. Find a youtube or other video clip covering atomic structure.
     After watching the clip :
         A. Draw the Bohr diagram for nitrogen (atomic structure).

        B. Label the Subatomic particles

        C. How many bonds will Nitrogen likely form

3. Find a youtube or other video clip covering the structure and properties of water.  After watching the clip :

A. draw a water molecules: indicate it’s slight positive and negative charges

B. explain why water is described as a polar molecule

C. draw a diagram sowing how water would dissolve and separate salt (NaCl) into Na+ and Cl- ions.

4. Find a youtube or other video clip covering kinetic and potential energy: After watching the clip :
        A. Define energy
        B. Describe the difference between kinetic and potential energy

5. Find a youtube or other video clip covering diffusion and osmosis.

A. Define diffusion

B. Define osmosis

C. Give an example of each occurring.

6. Find a youtube or other video clip on cell structure: After viewing the clip :

        A. Draw a general Eukaryote and a general Prokaryote cell with the main organelles. (2 cells total)

         B. Label the organelles.

        C. List the general functions of each of the cell parts (organelles).

Exam 1: Feb. 26th (Wednesday)
Covering lectures 1 - 4
Exam will have multiple choice questions, fill in the blank questions, and a short answer question section.

Please bring a pencil and eraser.  Make sure you use the restroom prior to the start of the exam

Books for food program:

The Books For Food program was created to assist students in acquiring course material at a significantly reduced cost. Students bring in cans of food to receive their textbooks and calculators. We donate the food to Second Harvest Foodbank.  This semester is no different! We also have over 400 calculators for the Calculators For Food program (Ti-84, Ti-84 Plus), available to all students. 

Please check the Books For Food website and see if your course(s) are supported by our program. Our software system is in transition and the amounts/titles might not be completely accurate – we’ve added a considerable amount of materials during Winter.

The students need to bring their student ID card, their class schedule to show they are enrolled in the course(s), and 10 cans per course and/or calculator. The student receive the books and/or calculator and has it for the entire semester. The return date is the last day of the semester.

The library opens its doors at 8:00 AM the first day of class (Monday, 01/26); we’re open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 AM to 7:30 PM, Fridays 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM, and Saturdays 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM. The books and calculators are first come, first serve, so encourage your students to come as soon as they can!

Welcome to Biology 10 - General Biology!

3 units , Laboratory: 1 unit .
Lecture 3 hours; Laboratory 3 hours
Prerequisite: None 
Recommended preparation: Math 902, Library 4 (Information Competency) 
Acceptable for credit: University of California, California State University
Introductory course designed for non-science majors.  Emphasis is placed on the fundamental process of life, including the structure and function of cells, plants, animals, human systems; genetics; evolution; diversity and ecology.

Note : Bio10 is NOT open to students who have completed Bio11 (Human Biology) with a C or better.  Bio 10 and Bio11 meet the same educational requirements.  Students will receive only unit but not grade credit if they have already taken Bio11.

1/14/20 Class starts Jan. 27th:  Be sure to show up the first day of Bio10 Lecture (Monday Jan 27th) AND LAB (day depends on section). Anyone that misses the first day of class will be automatically dropped to allow other students an opportunity to add. 

Things to do to get a head start :

1. Ready over Syllabus : You can down load a printable version of the Syllabus (pdf.).

2. Read over the Lab Safety Information at the beginning of lab manual.

3. Take the Syllabus Quiz : Down load the quiz (Syllabus Quiz (pdf)and answer the questions on a separate scantron (882) after reading the syllabus.  The syllabus quiz scantron is due Wednesday Feb. 5th at the beginning of class.

1/14/20 ADDING the Lecture Class: If you would like to ADD show up the first day of class and I will add your name to my wait list but you will only be officially added when you show me your lab add code and I give you a lecture add code to add on line.

Make getting into a lab a priority.I will only ADD students that are registered in a lab section (or have previously taken and successfully passed lab.    There is plenty of space in lecture (this is not a problem),  it is the lab which may have a constraint on enrollment.

To add a lab you can : 
1. Show up to the beginning of any  available lab section.  any open seats can be assigned to prospective students
2. Contact the instructor ahead of time.  They may be willing to add you to their role sheet is space is available.

1/14/20 Purchasing Course Books: Several options are available to you: 

Required Texts : 

a. Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology, Pearson

1. Viking Bookstore  : West Valley Campus Bookstore: You can Purchase all of the books listed in the syllabus directly from the bookstore located  on West Valley campus. The bookstore also provides an online service ( so that you can reserve books & pick them up later or make arrangements for home delivery.   Unfortunately the laboratory manual can only be ordered from the campus bookstore.  It should be available one week before classes start.

2. Online Ordering : For ordering all materials except the laboratory manual.  Since the prices of texts books is definitely a concern you may want to look into purchasing textbooks from a less expensive internet vendor.  The only concern is how long it will take to deliver the text.  If you choose to order from an internet site and your text does not arrive when classes start you can keep up with the required reading by using the text on reserve in the library.   or
 If you have knowledge of any other sources please let me know (email: Christine [email protected])

3. WVC Library (Reserve Desk) : The Library's reserve desk will have one copy of the current text book which can be checked out for 2 hour blocks of time.  Do not wait until the last minute to do your reading since others may also be relying on the reserve text for their reading.  The library is open M - Th 8:00am - 7:30pm , F 8:00 - 12 noon, Sat noon - 4:00   (408) 741-2029

PLEASE PURCHASE LAB MANUAL FOR THE SECOND LAB (Lab one will be provided to you in the first weeks lab)

Accommodations for a Disability: West Valley College strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience academic barriers based on your disability (including  permanent disabilities or chronic or temporary medical conditions), please let me know immediately so that we can privately discuss options.  You are also welcome to register with the Disability and Educational Support Program to establish reasonable accommodations.  After registration, DESP will notify me of your approved accommodations.
DESP contact information: The DESP office is located in the LS building; their phone number is (408) 741-2010 (voice) or (408) 741-2658 (TTY). Information about their services can be found at
HELP : Tutoring available through the WVC tutorial services: Chick here for drop in tutoring schedules
8/23/19 Visit Fun Animation : Spoof on Star Wars

     Store Wars with Cuke Skywalker, Obi Wan Cannoli, Chewbroccoli  and Lord Tator

8/23/19 Really amazing Video on RNAi : here is the link 

Journals Sites :  Good Reference Web Sites
Great Sites for Study Tips :  Applicable Information
  • Red Sox Pitcher injures his Peroneus Longus tendon sheath : Unprecedented surgery saves Game 6 - Article
  • Lecture Question about tendon / ligament adaptation to exercise : Answer YES tendons / ligaments strengthen in response to exercise : Journal of Rehabilitation & Research Development

West Valley College  
Page created by: Christine Peters-Stanton
Updated: Jan. 20,  2019