Human Anatomy - Biology 47
  Spring 2020

Instructor : Christine Peters (Biology Department) Biology Home Page
Office : SM55G                                                    Instructor Home Page
Phone : (408) 741 - 2626
email : [email protected]

Lecture Schedule Lab Schedule Lecture Outlines Grades
Lab Information Review Test  General Biology Review

Answers to Review Test
Syllabus Quiz: Due Feb. 6th

Note:  Instructor does not use Canvas to manage Bio47 course information
Date Posted Message

Temporary “in person course” suspension

Hello to all of my students,

With the growing risk of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) spreading, West Valley College has decided to suspend all in person teaching starting March 11 through April 5th.  As a result the college is proceeding to move the majority of instruction to an online format.  For lecture content, this will likely take the form of lectures with an audio component and video links that can be viewed at home.  The college is currently discussing how lab courses and other classes that cannot easily moved into an online format will be taught.  The biology department is planning on meeting this Thursday to discuss how to proceed in lab courses.  Although not ideal, we are all committed to providing the best possible instruction. 

I am not yet sure how course content will be pushed out to my students, but it will likely be through either Canvas and or our course website.  I will try to keep all of my students informed through my website and Canvas. 

The college is anticipating courses that need to be moved online to do so between March 16 – 23rd.  I am hoping to start pushing out content prior to the 16th. 

Please stay alert for updates, as we are continuing to learn more from the Chancellor’s Office as well as federal, state and local officials. 

I hope to see all of you soon! 


In the meantime the college is providing the following services to WVC students:

·         In the Canvas course shell, Net Tutor is a free online tutoring platform.  Tutors are available for many subject areas.

·         Counseling is planning to use Cranium Café for online counseling to the degree possible. Please see and updates on when that is available.

·         Library resources are still available through the library website

·         The library, Math Resource Center, and Success Center will still be open for student use

·         Computer labs on campus will be made available for students who have no access to computers or wifi at their home

·         Student services will still offer services in person on campus


Anatomy Homework #1 – 6 : 5pts each  : Due March 10th (day of Exam II)

Construct 5 Bone Tables: List all features underlined in lab manual associated with each bone of the body

Skeletal regions

1. Skull: Cranial Bones

2. Skull: Facial Bones

3. Axial Bones: Vertebrae & ribs

4. Upper Extremity

5. Lower Extremity  

Text Box: Example Bone Table Template


Skeletal region

Bone Region/grouping

Specific Bone

Specific Bone Structures

Notable feature


Skull (cranial)

Frontal Bone

Supraorbital fissure / foramen

“Hole over eye”



Parietal Bone


Two bones



Occipital Bone

Foramen Magnum

Hole for spinal cord



Occipital Condyle

Articular surface for atlas

















6. Draw a sketch of each of the joints listed below.  Label all required joint structuresstructures

a. Intervertebral joint

b. Shoulder Joint : Glenohumeral Joint

c. Knee Joint: Tibiocrural Joint

d. Ankle Joint: Talocrural Joint


Grades Posted above:
Average Course Grade: 80.5%
Average Exam 1 Grade: 79%
Exam 1: Tuesday Feb. 18th
Material Covered: Lectures 1 - 5 & Labs 1 - 5.
Exam will have multiple choice questions, fill in the blank and histology.

Morning Lab: Please arrive at 8:10am to begin the exam at 8:15am.
Afternoon Lab: Please arrive at 12:55pm to begin the exam at 1:00 pm

Histology practice: Links to histology below as well Power Point Slides

PowerPoint: Epithelial Tissue
PowerPoint: Connective Tissue
PowerPoint: Supportive Connective Tissue 
PowerPoint: Integument .

Students using the online Mastering A & P resources with the textbook

In order to have access to the online Publishers material you will need your access code that you obtained when you purchased your text book and the course IDstanton54156

To enroll: 
download the Student Registration Instructions.


Books for food program:

The Books For Food program was created to assist students in acquiring course material at a significantly reduced cost. Students bring in cans of food to receive their textbooks and calculators. We donate the food to Second Harvest Foodbank.  This semester is no different! We also have over 400 calculators for the Calculators For Food program (Ti-84, Ti-84 Plus), available to all students. 

Please check the Books For Food website and see if your course(s) are supported by our program. Our software system is in transition and the amounts/titles might not be completely accurate – we’ve added a considerable amount of materials during Winter.

The students need to bring their student ID card, their class schedule to show they are enrolled in the course(s), and 10 cans per course and/or calculator. The student receive the books and/or calculator and has it for the entire semester. The return date is the last day of the semester.

The library opens its doors at 8:00 AM the first day of class (Monday, 01/26); we’re open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 AM to 7:30 PM, Fridays 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM, and Saturdays 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM. The books and calculators are first come, first serve, so encourage your students to come as soon as they can!

Welcome to Biology 47 - Human Anatomy !    

5 units
Lecture 3 hours; Laboratory 6 hours
Prerequisite: Completion of a College biology course or High school biology. 
Recommended preparation: Math 902 
Acceptable for credit: University of California, California State University
This course for health professionals  includes study of the gross and microscopic structure of the human body.  Lab will consist of HUMAN CADAVER examination,  CAT dissection, and microscopic examination of human tissues.

1/2/20 Anatomy - Bio47 starts Jan. 28th.  Be sure to show up to both the LAB and lecture on Tuesday Jan. 28th.  Anyone that misses the first day of class will be automatically dropped to allow students an opportunity to add.  Human Anatomy is heavily enrolled with students on the wait list wishing to add.

Please purchase the course Lab Manual from the Campus Bookstore prior to the first class meeting or download Lab One (pdf.)    and Lab Two (pdf.) 

Helpful site for Lab 1 terminology:

Things to do to get a head start :

1. Ready over Syllabus : You can download a printable version of the Syllabus (pdf.).

2. Read over the Lab Safety Sheet : You can download a printable version of the Safety Sheet (pdf.)

3. Take the Syllabus Quiz : Download the quiz (Syllabus Quiz pdf.) and answer the questions on a scantron form after reading the syllabus.  You will be turning in the scantron answers during lab the second week of school (Feb. 6th)

4. Take the REVIEW BIOLOGY Test  (Download Review Test ): If you do not feel comfortable with the material covered you can review that material in you Anatomy textbook or in a General Biology Text.  This quiz is designed to allow you to judge whether you have a basic knowledge of general biology.  If the quiz seems difficult or the terms seem completely foreign, I would suggest retaking a general biology course BEFORE attempting Anatomy.  Make sure you are setting yourself up for success!

1/2/20 Purchasing Course Books:

Required Text :

1. Human Anatomy (9th Edition) Martini, F.H.,M.J. Timmons and M.P. McKinley.  Pearson, New Jersey, 2009.  ( ISBN:   9780134769516

2. Biology 47 - Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual: CHiMPS Publishing; West Valley, College Biology Department, C. Peters - Stanton   NOTE: ONLY available at WVC Bookstore

Several purchasing options are available to you: 

1. Viking Bookstore : West Valley Campus Bookstore: You can Purchase all of the books listed in the syllabus directly from the bookstore located  on West Valley campus. The bookstore also provides an online service ( so that you can reserve books & pick them up later or make arrangements for home delivery.   Unfortunately the laboratory manual can only be ordered from the campus bookstore.  It should be available one week before classes start.

2. Online Ordering : For ordering all materials except the laboratory manual.  Since the prices of texts books is definitely a concern you may want to look into purchasing textbooks from a less expensive internet vendor.  The only concern is how long it will take to deliver the text.  If you choose to order from an internet site and your text does not arrive when classes start you can keep up with the required reading by using the text on reserve in the library.   or
 If you have knowledge of any other sources please let me know (email: [email protected])

3. WVC Library (Reserve Desk) : The Library's reserve desk will have one copy of the current text book which can be checked out for a 2 hour block of time.  Do not wait until the last minute to do your reading since others may also be relying on the reserve text for their reading.  The library is open M - Th 8:00am - 7:30pm , F 8:00 - 12 noon, S noon - 4:00   (408) 741-2028

PLEASE PURCHASE LAB MANUAL BY THE END OF THE FIRST WEEK (you can download labs 1 & 2 below)

1/2/20 ADDING Human Anatomy:

There is an official wait list which can be accessed through Webservices .  If you would like to ADD Anatomy make sure you add your name to the official list though the WVC Webadvisor.  In addition make sure that you show up to the first day of LAB Tuesday, Jan. 28th at either 7:40am for the first session or 12:50pm for the second session. 

1/2/20 Tutoring available:
Contact Tutorial Services
This semester we will have one tutor available during lab (Jared Jones) and at least one student available through tutorial services (Kristina Stephenson)
Accommodations for a Disability: West Valley College strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience academic barriers based on your disability (including  permanent disabilities or chronic or temporary medical conditions), please let me know immediately so that we can privately discuss options.  You are also welcome to register with the Disability and Educational Support Program to establish reasonable accommodations.  After registration, DESP will notify me of your approved accommodations.
DESP contact information: The DESP office is located in the LS building; their phone number is (408) 741-2010 (voice) or (408) 741-2658 (TTY). Information about their services can be found at
1/2/20 Some good resources that might be helpful in addition to the text, lecture notes, lab manual and study room materials:
Apps: Visual Body: Great 3D imaging, click on IDs, quizzes, medical information and pronunciation
Histology flash cards:

Histology Slides:
Epithelial and Connective tissue (Mesa College)
Histology Slides

Just some links that might be useful for studying the integument:
Integument Histology Lab - online
Integument Histology Lab - online (Western Australia)
Dartmouth anatomy
Victoria College:

Another nice resource for seeing bones & articulations: AnatomyEXPERT:
Helpful Articulation website: Articulations Lab
Helpful Bone quiz: Quiz
Helpful Bone quiz2 (GetBodySmart) : Quiz
Another great website skeletal system resource: Innerbody
Quiz Photos of skeletal material with labels: Quiz

Study Tools : Everyone learns differently, it is therefore important to understand how you as an individual can best learn and retain information.  Ultimately your academic success is your responsibility.  If you haven't already done so, you should take the following self assessment test to better understand your specific way of learning.  In addition are some helpful study tips websites. Helpful Study Tips / Hints:

1. Skim your reading assignments prior to class so that you will have baseline understanding of what is going to be covered.  DON”T read and try to commit to memory the information YET.
a. Read the Titles and Bullets
b. Skim the chapter reading
c. Look at the diagrams
d. Skim the lecture handouts; familiarize yourself with the topic to be covered
2. Attend lecture (with this baseline understanding).  Bring your lecture handouts, take good notes using your handouts (or additional paper if you choose).
3. Ask questions when something is unclear
4. Review your lecture notes the same day as the lecture.  You may want to use the following review techniques:
a. Without looking at your notes, write down the overall concept introduced in the lecture.
b. Without looking at your notes, write down all of the detailed information you can remember from the lecture.
c.  Compare what you remember with the actual lecture notes.  Highlight anything that you didn't remember.  This is information that is not yet in you short term memory.
d. Rewrite a complete set of lecture notes.
Remember the goal is to retain the information in your long term memory.  To transition the memories from short term to long term, your best opportunity is to review the information while it is still fresh, the longer you wait the less you will remember and will have to start all over creating new short term memories.  In practice you will actually be saving time!
5. Any questions, which come up during your studying, can be addressed at the next class meeting
6. A few days after the lecture, revisit your notes and repeat the steps a - c above.  If there is significant loss of information, you don't know the material well enough and need to review the lecture again.
7. Read the related information in your textbooks for further clarification.
8. Once you feel you have a good understanding of the material, attempt answering the study questions at the end of the handout.  DO NOT look through your notes to find the answers.  If you do you are only testing how well you can find answers, and remember you will not have the luxury of your study notes on the exam.
9. You can also use the questions in the textbook to help gage your understanding.
10. Read the labs prior to attending class.
11. Participate in all lab activities
12. Answer all lab questions with completeness and accuracy
13. If you have done all of this - then the weekend before the exam will be simply review.
14. Make sure you are getting a good night's sleep prior to the exams


Planning on going to SJSU Nursing ?  Here's what to expect for reading assignments - JUST the first semester of BOOKS
Journals Sites :  Good Reference Web Sites :
Great Sites for Physiology / Anatomy  Applicable Information
  • Red Sox Pitcher injures his Peroneus Longus tendon sheath : Unprecedented surgery saves Game 6 - Article
  • Lecture Question about tendon / ligament adaptation to exercise : Answer YES tendons / ligaments strengthen in response to exercise : Journal of Rehabilitation & Research Development

West Valley College  
Page created by: Christine Peters-Stanton
Updated: Jan. 3,  2020