Link to Biology Dept Roberta Berlani Leticia Gallardo Michelle Geary Nathan Norris Christine Peters Molly Schrey Peter Svensson


Leticia in the mountains

Animated hand waving

Leticia Gallardo
Instructor of Biology
Biology Department 
West Valley Community College 

Office: SM 55H
Phone: (408) 741-2416  
E-Mail: Leticia Gallardo
Office Hours Summer 2024:
  • M-Th 1:45-2:15 pm (Zoom)
  • By Scheduled Appointment

Courses Taught at West Valley College

Biology 36 - Animal Behavior
Biology 47 - Human Anatomy
Biology 55 - Biology of Sex
Biology 57 - Ecology of Alaska

schedule | student resources | background


Class Schedule Day / Time Room

Biol 010 Lecture


TTH 10:55-12:20pm 

SM 33



Biol 012 Introduction to Ecology


T 2:05-4:10pm (Lecture)

TH 2:05-5:15pm (Lab)



SM 56

Biol 014 California Plants & Animals

M 2:05-4:10pm (Lecture)

W 2:05-5:15pm (Lab)


SM 56


Biol 058


F 10:15-12:20pm


SM 58





Student Resources

As a registered student you have a host of resources on campus that are available to you, many free of charge. The following is a partial list (for a complete list please refer to the college catalog or the student services section of the college web page).


Admissions and Records General Support Services Campus Facilities
Application for admission Counseling Center Bookstore
WVC Portal (registration) Health Services Library
  Financial Aid  
Academic Support Services  
Success Center  
Disability & Educational Support Program (DESP)  
Extended opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS)  


Education / Background

West Valley College Page created by Leticia Gallardo

last published: 6/17/24