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West Valley College
Al Mingione CDP, CSP COURSE DESCRIPTION: E-commerce is rapidly growing on the INTERNET estimated to be $1 Trillion by 2002 and reaching worldwide sellers- over 100 million in USA. This Cyber community with E-mail addresses can send/receive E-cards, chat instanty or share human achievements with a global community. The Business potential and the transformations resulting from the INTERNET is so enormous and diverse: large companies get closer to their e-customers; small entrepreneurs sell their best products at the best price to a global market; information products such as software, music, advice delivered over the INTERNET. The Business subjects relate to B2C, B2B, B2E, and the internal transformations of "how to conduct" E- business. The INTERNET connects any business with a WEB site with other businesses to reduce purchasing cost, shorting cycle times, and lower inventories levels. Using the INTERNET improves Customer service, Marketing and publishing Business information to all stakeholders. The INTERNET connects any business with a WEB site to any consumer with a PC and Browser or INTERNET appliance. The WEB site components to conduct an on line sale will be defined: an E-catalog, shopping cart, E-payments, and Data Base connections. The Technology subjects cover WEB page design, Software, Hardware, TCP/IP, and Hosting. The WEB technologies are being adopted/adapted as the "Business Information Utility", and improving the interfaces to system applications promoting self-help and mobile workers. Hands-on surfing of WEB sites demonstrates E-commerce and a rich source of information on the E-Commerce subjects. COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course, each student should be able to: 1. Define E-Commerce, history, concepts, INTERNET Technologies, and Issues 2. Identify System requirements for e-Business applications: B2C, B2B, and B2E 3. Identify enabling Technologies & Issues for developing a WEB infrastructure 4. Use the WWW to access content, shop, visit sites, and create "Knowledge Treks" GRADING: EXAM #1 25% LAB assignments 15% EXAM #2 30% Project : D1 5% D2 5% Complete 20%
LAB assignment descriptions: After each lecture the topic will be researched by visiting WEB sites. The results or your evaluations will be turned in the next lecture. Example: E-commerce initiatives assignment class # 3- Use the BROSWER to search E-commerce initiatives from Dept. of Commerce, Sun, IBM, HP, etc. due class #4 a one page summary will be E-mail to me before next class. In the summarydescribe the value of the content, the visual presentation, and the ease of navigation. PROJECT A project can be a WEB research report or a WEB site development. A project can be a group with approval by the instructor. WEB RESEARCH PROJECT Deliverables D1. Identify the topic, the purpose and scope- one page D2. Identify the WEB sites and summarize the content D3.Final report & Presentation Example of topics: INTERNET II ; PRIVACY; EDI; E-learning; Self help WEB applications WEB SITE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Deliverables D1.Type of site : Presentation, Registration, Knowledge Trek, or Business transaction Business requirements: Scope & objectives, audience profile, products or services D2. Design the solution (Define software, hardware, network, etc.), promotion D3. DEMO BUS025 &CIS 42.4 E-COMMERCE Spring 2001